

X-rays (X-ray studies)

X-ray of the ankle

The most widely used non-invasive diagnostic method for detecting congenital and acquired pathological changes in bone and joint tissues is the visualization of their anatomy with the help of X-rays.

Roentgen of the knee in two projections

Pain in the knee, impaired mobility of the joint in this area and traumatic injuries are quite frequent reasons for contacting a doctor. Determine by eye, with which unpleasant symptoms are associated, it is not easy even for an experienced doctor.

X-ray of the elbow joint

Radiography is a diagnostic procedure with a solid record of more than 120 years. But, despite the development of new modern methods of diagnosing various diseases, it does not lose its relevance to this day.

Orthopantomography - panoramic x-ray of the maxillofacial region

The orthopantomogram (OPG) used in dental and maxillofacial radiology is an overview (panoramic) X-ray of the upper and lower jaw, teeth, craniofacial bones and joints, maxillary sinuses and adjacent areas.

Panoramic tooth shot

If a person has a toothache, he rushes for help to a dentist and insists on treatment, not to delete the same value. But the dentist is not the Lord God, he can not see the state of the aching tooth from the inside.

Panoramic picture of the upper, lower jaw

Among the instrumental methods of examination in dentistry, dental orthopedics, as well as maxillofacial surgery, the most informative is a panoramic jaw.


The essence of manipulation is the supply of contrast fluid in the cavity of the vessel with the parallel conduct of a number of X-ray photographs.

X-ray of the shoulder joint

The X-ray of the shoulder joint is designed to detect damage that has occurred due to external or internal (various diseases) factors.

Roentgen of the abdominal cavity

X-ray of the abdominal cavity organs - radiography - is a traditional diagnostic method of clinical medicine based on localized irradiation with a minimum dose of X-rays, as a result of which projection images of the internal structures of the body are obtained.


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