


When are the hands shaking?

The state when hands are shaking is familiar to many of us. Such trembling is not uncommon after a lot of stress, fright, long experiences or with a sudden release of adrenaline into the blood (for example, in extreme situations).

Why are your legs and hands shaking?

The condition, in which the legs and arms are shaking, is called in Latin medicine - a tremor, which literally means "trembling."

Weakness in arms and legs

Many people are familiar with this feeling: a sudden or growing weakness in the arms and legs, when the legs seem to be "poured with lead," and the hands can not hold even a cup of tea.

Numbness of legs and hands

Numbness of the legs and hands is a very common problem today. During this phenomenon, there is a sensation of tingling, chilliness, constriction and burning. It can occur both on the upper and lower limbs.

Why are your hands shaking?

Often a person is faced with a situation where, for one reason or another, hands begin to shake: whether from emotions, unrest, or for unknown reasons. What can we tell about such a symptom? And anyway, why are your hands shaking?

Weakness in the hands

Weakness in the hands in the mornings often arises simply because of a position that is not quite suitable for the upper extremities in a dream, for example, if a person has long slept with a hand under his head, which leads to a violation of normal blood flow.

Why does the child shake hands and what to do?

Many mothers are concerned that the child's hands are shaking. At an early age, this does not pose a particular danger, but the cause of this phenomenon still needs to be determined. The first step is to observe the baby and, based on this, draw certain conclusions.

Causes of numbness in fingers

A person does not "feel the hands" - people say. So what are the causes of numbness in the fingers? What to do and how to help yourself to regain "old feelings"? Only a qualified specialist can answer this question.

Trembling in the hands

You were unpleasantly surprised and upset by the fact that in a certain situation or for no apparent reason there is a shiver in your hands, do not rush to panic and immediately run to the neurologist. Approximately 6% of the world's population encounters a similar situation.

What should I do if my hands are shaking?

Many people today are interested in the question of what to do if their hands are shaking. Before proceeding to consider this problem, it is worthwhile to understand, because of what this phenomenon arises.


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