


Muscle atrophy (amyotrophy) of the hand: causes, symptoms, diagnosis

Atrophy of the muscles (amyotrophia) of the hand in the practice of a neurologist is encountered in the form of secondary (more often) denervation atrophy (due to a violation of its innervation) and primary (less often) atrophy, in which the function of the motor neuron basically does not suffer ("myopathy").


Isolate the primary and secondary forms of dystonia, while their clinical manifestations depend on the etiology. Dystonia is a syndrome manifested by deforming movements and postures that result from simultaneous involuntary contraction of agonist muscles and antagonists.


Chorea - irregular, jerky, disorderly, chaotic, sometimes sweeping, aimless movements, appearing mainly in the limbs. Slightly expressed choreic hyperkinesis can be manifested by mild motor anxiety with excessive fussy movements, motor disinhibition, exaggerated expression, grimaces and inadequate gestures.

Tremor: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Tremor - involuntary vibrations of any part of the body caused by alternating or synchronous contractions of reciprocally innervated muscles. Diagnosis of the disease underlying the tremor is often a very difficult task, the solution of which requires, first of all, the correct syndrome description of the tremor. What causes a tremor? Types of tremors. The tremor of rest. Postural tremor. Intense tremor. Rubral tremor. Psychogenic tremor. Physiological tremor. An essential tremor. Cerebrospinal tremor. Treatment of tremors


Myoclonus is a sudden, short, jerky muscle twitch that occurs as a result of an active muscle contraction (positive myoclonus), or (rarely) a drop in the tone of postural muscles (negative myoclonus).

Nervous tick

Tics in typical cases are short, relatively elementary, stereotyped, normally coordinated, but inappropriately made movements that can be suppressed by willpower for a short period of time, which is achieved at the cost of increasing emotional tension and discomfort.


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