

Alternative medicine

Treatment of gastritis with honey: recipes

Patients with gastritis are very meticulous about nutrition. Any dish they assess for the way it will respond to the stomach - calm or protest?

Alternative remedies for polyps in the uterus: medicinal herbs, oils, homeopathy

Today, there are various methods for treating polyps. They are used as conservative, yet radical methods. Conservative include correction of the hormonal state, symptomatic therapy.

Effective alternatives for acute, chronic and obstructive bronchitis

Bronchitis is an inflammation of the airways of a person, which most often occurs due to the ingress of various viruses into them. This is a dangerous disease, because without proper or untimely treatment, the inflammatory focus can spread to the lungs or flow into a chronic stage.

Treatment of gastritis with high acidity in herbs

Almost every second inhabitant of the world suffers from diseases of the stomach, among which gastritis is in the first place. The diagnosis of "gastritis" has become so widespread recently that you will not surprise anyone, and even more you will not hear lamentations on the topic of where this misfortune came from.

Treatment of dysplasia of the cervix by alternative means

The combination of traditional methods of treatment with a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition will play an important role in the treatment.

Alternative drugs for liver treatment

Alternative medicine medicines for the liver are used as an additional remedy. Consider popular and effective recipes of alternative medicine.

Treatment of diathesis by alternative means

Unfortunately, for today the disease considered in the article remains to the end not studied anomaly. Therefore, therapy can be symptomatic.

Alternative treatment of cervical dysplasia

Alternative treatment with an already existing diagnosis - dysplasia of the cervix, plays an auxiliary role.

Overview of effective alternatives to thrush

Alternative medicine methods are a popular therapy option, which patients often use to get rid of a fungal infection.

Herbs from alcoholism

Herbs from alcoholism help to cause negative emotions about alcohol and give a person strength in the fight against addiction. Widely used for these purposes is Thyme creeping, Wolves curly, Goldfish, Clefthoof, etc.


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