

Alternative medicine

Treatment with ginger

Treatment with ginger has long been successful thanks to the amazing healing properties of this plant. It should be noted that ginger is widely used in various spheres of life: food industry, cooking, cosmetology, medicine.

Treatment of bitterness in the mouth

Treatment of bitterness in the mouth should be timely. The fact is that this phenomenon can arise due to many diseases.

Karkade and blood pressure

It should be borne in mind that the action of carcade tea is purely individual. Someone who, after drinking a cup of karkade tea, can normalize his pressure. Another - the pressure can go up.

Alternative treatment of breast cysts

Alternative treatment of the breast cyst, like any alternative treatment, involves the use of natural products and plants, in particular, medicinal herbs.

Alternative treatment of bursitis

Regardless of the factors of the appearance of the disease, treatment of bursitis with alternative agents can often be very effective.

Sperm treatment

It has long been said that the treatment of sperm has a positive effect on the entire body as a whole. But is it true?

Herbs that increase progesterone

After consulting with a doctor, you can turn to alternative medicine: herbs that increase progesterone are known for a long time and are successfully used by many patients.

Herbs that raise hemoglobin

Herbs that increase hemoglobin, can provide all possible help in the fight against such a common phenomenon as a lack of iron in the body.

Alternative treatment of endometrial hyperplasia

Alternative treatment of endometrial hyperplasia is alternative medicine therapy. Such treatment is carried out using medicinal plants and other safe means for health. Let's look at the most popular and effective alternative treatments for endometrial hyperplasia.

Pressure boosting herbs

Herbs that increase blood pressure will help solve the problem of hypotension. In addition to herbs, you should also follow a certain diet, often walk in the fresh air, it is recommended to do breathing exercises.


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