

Treatment of diabetes

Possible complications with insulin therapy

Non-compliance with the rules of insulin therapy leads to various complications. Consider the most common

Schemes and regimens of insulin therapy in children, adults, during pregnancy

Normally, the secretion of inulin occurs continuously and is approximately 1 unit of hormone per hour. This indicator is basal or background secretion.

Pump insulin therapy

This method allows you to control glycemia and reduces the risk of complications.

Herb stevia with diabetes: how to take, contraindications

Tasty and at the same time a useful sweetener, known to many diabetics - is stevia.

Goat medicinal for diabetes: how to brew?

A perennial medicinal plant used in the treatment of endocrine diseases is gazleg. Goatskin is popular as an alternative remedy for diabetes, but has won recognition in traditional medicine.

Therapeutic herbs from type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus

An endocrine disease caused by a lack of an insulin hormone is diabetes. Consider ways of treating this pathology with the help of medicinal herbs.

Grass red from diabetes: the benefits of how to take

Effective sugar reducing properties are grass red. The plant belongs to the family cruciferous with a long thin stem and small leaves. Inflorescences are small yellow flowers, and fruits are pods.

Altai herbs for diabetes

Another effective collection in the fight against the symptoms of diabetes is the Altai herbs. Medicinal plants have a complex effect on the body

Grass in the case of diabetes

The use of licorice in metabolic disorders is that it relieves swelling, without disturbing the metabolism and functioning of the endocrine system. The natural remedy does not load the kidneys and does not disrupt the flow of blood.

Grass cuff with diabetes mellitus

To normalize the blood glucose level in diabetes mellitus, a grass cuff is recommended.


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