

X-rays (X-ray studies)

X-ray of the thyroid gland

Recognition of diseases of the endocrine glands is one of the brightest pages of radiation diagnostics. With the help of radial methods, the doctor determines changes in the structure of the gland and focal formations in it. Moreover, he can detect and quantify the dysfunction of each gland and the "governing organs" of the hormonal hierarchy - the hypothalamus and pituitary gland.

X-ray of the bones

X-ray method allowed to obtain new data on the anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system: to study the structure and function of bones and joints in vivo, in an integral organism, under the influence of a variety of environmental factors on a person.

X-ray of the spine and spinal cord

The spine consists of 24 vertebrae, sacrum and coccyx. In healthy people, it forms characteristic physiological curves: anteriorly in the cervical and lumbar regions and posteriorly in the thoracic and sacral regions. The size of the vertebral bodies gradually increases in the caudal direction, i.e. Down. The vertebral body on radiographs has the shape of a rectangle with somewhat concave lateral edges and rounded corners.

X-ray signs of inflammatory diseases of the brain

Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the brain can be caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites. Among bacterial lesions, meningitis, abscess and empyema are distinguished.

X-ray of the skull

The main and proven method of radial examination of the skull is survey radiography. Usually it is performed in two standard projections - direct and lateral. In addition to them, axial, semi-axial and sighting radiographs are sometimes required. Based on the survey and sight images, the position, size, shape, contours and structure of all the bones of the skull are established.

X-ray signs of kidney disease

Tactics of radiation research, i.e. The choice of radiation methods and the sequence of their application, are developed taking into account the history and clinical data. To a certain extent, it is standardized, because in most cases the doctor deals with typical clinical syndromes: pain in the kidney, macrogemuria, urination disorders, etc.

X-ray of the kidneys

Qualified urologists, as a rule, are well prepared for radiation diagnosis of injuries and diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract and can contact the radiologist themselves to establish the order and volume of radiation studies themselves.

X-ray of the spleen

Angiography of the spleen is extremely rarely used in the diagnosis of diseases of the spleen. For the diagnosis of portal hypertension, a direct injection of contrast medium into the pulp of the spleen is sometimes used; perform splenenportografiyu. If appropriate equipment is available, one can obtain an image of the splenic vein in the venous stage of arteriography, i.e. To carry out indirect splenoportografiyu.

X-ray of the pancreas

On the survey radiographs of the abdominal cavity the pancreas is indistinguishable. Exceptions are only rare cases of calcifications - parenchyma, pseudocyst walls and stones in ducts with chronic pancreatitis. On the survey images, as well as in the contrast X-ray examination of the stomach and intestine, indirect signs of lesion of the gland may be revealed.

X-ray of the liver and biliary tract

Indication for x-ray examination (roentgen) of the liver and biliary tract is established by the clinician on the basis of anamnesis and clinical picture of the disease. The choice of the method of radiation research is carried out jointly by the clinician and radiation diagnostician. The latter composes the research plan, analyzes its results and formulates a conclusion.


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