

General Information on Allergies

Allergy in summer

An allergy in the summer can spoil the mood of any person who reacts sharply to the fragrance of flowering shrubs and flower beds, green nature, growing mushrooms, dusty roads, excessively dry or, on the contrary, too humid air.

Allergies in Adults: Causes

Allergy refers to the reaction of the human immune system to ingesting allergens in its body - substances that the system regards as an alien infection and begins to fight it. Allergies in adults can occur due to a variety of reasons

Allergies in children

Allergy in children develops by the same mechanism as in adults, and the causes of its occurrence are the same. What causes allergies in children? What is an allergen? Species classification of allergy. Food allergy in children. Seasonal allergy in children. Allergy to cold in children. Atopic dermatitis. Diathesis. Allergy in children: diagnosis. Treatment of allergies in children

Allergy during pregnancy

Allergy in pregnancy is not a serious pathology, threatening the process of gestation, but allergic reactions can provoke many of the health problems of the future mother.  

Allergy in an infant

An allergy in an infant is, unfortunately, a frequent occurrence, and every fourth child in ten suffers from it. The immune system of the newborn only begins to form its protective functions and does not always intelligently recognize and differentiate the invasion of alien and unfamiliar antigens.

Children's allergies

Children's allergies differ from adults only by possible causes, etiology, and all other parameters, including the symptomatology, are almost identical.

What is an allergy?

How does the allergic process occur, and in what directions is its development? How to avoid allergies and what if you already have it?


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