

Treatment of influenza, colds, coughs, bronchitis

Lazolvan for cough

The numerous pharmacological group of expectorants - secretolytics and stimulants of respiratory motility - includes the muco-regulating drug Lazolvan for cough (ATX code - R05CB06).

Figs from dry and wet cough for children and adults

The cough benefits of figs are due to its pectin (soluble fiber) and alkaline pH. Pectins help to reduce irritation and swelling of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, and alkalization

Acyclovir for flu and colds

Using one of the most popular drugs of this group, “Acyclovir” for colds and flu, you can stop the spread of infection due to exposure to the virus itself and the host's immunity.

Ambrobene for inhalation for children and adults

Inhalation is one of the oldest medical procedures used to combat unproductive or unproductive cough. Inhaling the smallest particles of a healing composition, a person thereby delivers it directly to the site of inflammation: in the larynx, trachea, bronchi, lungs.

Dekasan for inhalation for children and adults

Inhalation may be an additional treatment tool that alleviates the patient's condition and promotes a speedy recovery. Currently, decasan is often prescribed for inhalation.

Paracetamol by temperature: dosage, how to take

Paracetamol for fever is one of the most common treatments. It is prescribed for children, adults. This is the first aid that is prescribed for any fever, even in the case of an unexplained genesis.

Iodinol in sore throat: how to breed and rinse?

Dangerous sore throat and its complications. First of all, complications of the kidneys, as well as the heart, occur in the case of sore throat. Therefore, angina, of course, requires treatment.


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