

Diseases of the eyes (ophthalmology)

Hemianopsia: species, effective drugs

Visual impairment, which occurs as a result of damage to visual innervation or structural damage to the brain, is called the term "hemianopsia". 

Exercises for the eyes to improve and restore vision

The world around us we perceive first of all with the help of the eyes. So, a lot depends on the correct operation of this pair of eyes. Eyes usually have to work a lot during the day, getting rest mainly at night.

Color blindness in humans: causes, how to check

Color blindness is a special type of visual impairment, which is manifested in the absence of perception of certain colors, most often green, red and purple. Basically, color blinds are not able to distinguish a particular color or several colors. 

The destruction of the vitreous of the eye: the more dangerous, the reasons for how to treat

Today, in medicine, the need to restore vision is becoming increasingly important. Patients complain of reduced visual acuity, clarity of perception. For many, the perceived object is twofold, or "flies" appear before the eyes. 

Astenopia of the eye: accommodative, muscular, nervous

Rapid fatigue of the visual apparatus indicates the development of asthenopia. Consider the causes of discomfort in the eyes, symptoms, types, methods of treatment and prevention.

Color anomalies: types, checking pictures

The ability of the eye to distinguish objects based on the wavelength of light that they reflect, radiate or transmit, provides a person with a color vision.


If a person distinguishes only two primary colors, then this state is called dichromasia. Consider the causes of this pathology, types, methods of diagnosis, treatment.

Color blindness in women

We are so used to seeing the world in all the diversity of its colors, that we do not even know how it can be otherwise. How can you see the green foliage brown or gray, and the ripe tomato dark green or saturated gray? 


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