

Diseases of the eyes (ophthalmology)


A condition in which the skin of the upper eyelids hangs in the form of a sac over the edge of the eyelid is blepharohalasis. Consider the main causes of this pathology and treatment methods.

Why does the child have red eyes and what to do?

Even a simple reddening of the eyes in a child can be the beginning of a serious infection or simply a reaction to eye irritation.

Paralysis of accommodation

Paralyzing can only what should move, and paralysis of eye accommodation is no exception, since accommodation is the process of changing the curvature of the lens

Red eye syndrome

There are many causes that cause the appearance of a red eye. This symptom accompanies various physiological conditions, or is a sign of pathological general and ophthalmic diseases.

Chicken blindness

It is considered not only an independent disease, but also a symptom of certain eye diseases.

Enucleation of the eyeball

Such surgical treatment as enucleation of the eyeball is quite rare, in exceptional cases, when only the removal of this organ gives the patient a chance to stay alive and lead a relatively normal lifestyle.

Types and symptoms of retinal angiopathy

We can say that at the first stage of the disease all the processes can be reversed, that is, to make the vessels of the eyes restored.

Retinal angiopathy in a child

One of the signs that a child can be diagnosed with angiopathy is an increase in intracranial pressure.

Angiopathy of the retina: how dangerous and how to prevent?

This problem is caused by disorders of regulation of vascular tone from the autonomic nervous system.

Demodectic eyelids

Demodexes prefer to settle in the sebaceous ducts or hair follicles, the skin of the face is most often affected, eyelids develop demodectic eyelids, which strongly worsens the appearance and causes a number of unpleasant symptoms.  


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