

Cancer (oncology)

Myxoma of the heart and soft tissue

For the heterogeneous group of primary neoplasms of soft tissues in the form of benign mesenchymal tumors, there is such a definition as myxoma.

Throat cancer: who is at risk, typical symptoms, treatment methods

Although the common name "throat" in the anatomy does not appear, and the term "pharyngeal pharynx" is used in medicine, throat cancer or laryngopharyngeal cancer is diagnosed when malignant tumors form in the pharynx and larynx.

Treatment of metastatic melanoma of the skin

Metastatic melanoma (stage III) is operable, then the main method of treatment is surgery in combination with adjuvant radiation and drug therapy, which is the prevention of the spread of metastases.

Metastatic melanoma

It looks at the beginning of the process, when it is best to treat it, often as a new, ordinary flat mole of irregular shape and does not show anything special. Therefore, they often reveal melanoma at later stages, which leads to disappointing results.

Treatment of endometrial cancer of the uterus: chemotherapy, recommendations after surgery

If endometrial cancer is detected at an early stage of development, it is most often resorted to a surgical stopping of the disease process, with the further appointment of radiation treatment (sometimes in combination with brachytherapy).

Endometrial cancer of the uterus: signs, ultrasound diagnosis, prognosis

According to statistics, about 4.5% of patients with postmenopausal bleeding are diagnosed with uterine cancer.

Hyperplastic polyp: causes, symptoms, treatment

Since the overgrown cells have a normal structure (they do not exude from ordinary epithelial cells), hyperplastic polyps are related to benign forms.

Cancer of Pankosta

Professor of Radiology, University of Pennsylvania (USA) Henry Pancost, who described this neoplasm in the first third of the last century, identified it as an apical (apical) tumor of the lung.


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