

Dangerous moles

Malignant birthmarks on the body: how to distinguish what to do, remove

Malignant birthmarks - in medicine they are called melanomas - are oncologic neoplasms on the skin that develop from the cells of the birthmark forming a pigment (melanocytes). 

Black birthmark

Moles of black color are an accumulation of a special melanin substance, the amount of which affects the saturation and hue of the pigmented spot.

Pimple on a birthmark

Moles are neoplasms that can be harmless, but sometimes dangerous. And whether it is necessary to worry, if there is a spot on the mole?

Blackheads on a mole

Black dots on moles are changes in the color of the skin on the mole or on the neighboring skin areas. A person who has many moles, almost does not pay attention to the bottom. But if a black dot appeared, it is very clearly visible and it is unlikely that this change can be compared with a scratch. Causes may be very different.

Rough mole

Birthmarks can be found on the body of any person. Some moles begin to change with time. And often this leads to an increased risk of developing a tumor.

Redness around the mole

Redness around the mole may be a warning signal that there are some negative changes in the body. Do not ignore it! But also redness of the skin can occur due to damage or other factors.

Why does a mole bleed and what should I do?

Moles - located on the skin are clearly limited concentrations of melanocytes (cells containing dark pigment melanin) - usually do not bleed. Why does a mole bleed?

Why did the birthmark disappear and what should I do?

A sign when, one day, coming to a mirror, a man asked the only question: why did the birthmark disappear and what to do? Surely this has happened to you or your friends. The first thing - do not panic.

Why does it scratch the mole and what to do?

In their majority, such education is not dangerous until the time when they begin to change color, size, structure.

White dot on the mole

Mole, in most cases, is a benign neoplasm.


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