


Pain in the muscles of the press

Given that the straight muscle is structured so that its fibers form coveted "cubes", most often the pain in the muscles of the press arises precisely in it.

Pain after eating in the left hypochondrium: dull, aching, pressing, front, single

Pain after eating in the left hypochondrium can be the result of a variety of disorders, abnormalities in the body's functioning, and even diseases. It is for this reason that in no case can you ignore your body signals telling you that certain processes in the system do not work as expected.

Pain in abdominal muscles

Pain in the abdominal muscles is often called the general term - abdominal pain syndrome, which in turn can be a leading symptom complex, directing a diagnostic and therapeutic strategy.

Pain in the right side of the abdomen

The feeling of pain in the body always causes discomfort. Especially when it touches the abdomen. The abdominal cavity contains organs, tissues, responsible for the vital functions of our body. Pain in the right side of the abdomen occurs for many reasons and signals a disease of various organs. An accurate diagnosis can be made only after a doctor's visit.

Pain in the liver

Pain in the liver is a fairly common phenomenon and it can occur in the elderly, in young people and even in children. In this case, such pain can be a sign of a serious disease of the internal organs, and may arise in some normal physiological processes and not indicate any pathology.

Pain after eating

Pain after eating is usually associated with discomfort in the abdomen, but painful symptoms can be localized not only in the epigastric zone, but also in the interscapular region, in the head, in the heart, in the lower back zone.

Pain in late pregnancy

As we approach the long-awaited moment of meeting with the baby, the organism can prepare a pregnant woman for the generic process by applying "exercises with pain." Of course, pain in the late stages of pregnancy does not appear in everyone.

Pain in the navel during pregnancy

Gynecologists repeatedly hear complaints of pain in the navel during pregnancy. Naturally stretching the muscles on the stomach can cause uncomfortable sensations of the navel zone.

Navel pain

The pain in the navel can occur in both the infant and the adult. The soreness of the abdomen, often, knocks a person out of balance, depriving him of rest day and night.

Pain before delivery

Pain before delivery is a precursor to the onset of labor. It is believed that the pain in the process of delivery is inevitable, accompanying every appearance of a new inhabitant of the planet.


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