

Removal of moles

Laser moles removal

In the event of an increase in the size or location of it in areas that are more often affected by injury, the removal of moles by a laser is a necessary exercise.

What happens if you tear off a mole?

Many of us remember the terrible stories from childhood about what will happen if you tear off a birthmark. But is it all so terrible in reality? Let's figure it out.

Do I need to remove moles?

In recent years, doctors around the world have begun to notice that the number of skin cancer patients is constantly growing. In addition, this disease is increasingly diagnosed not only in the elderly, but also in young people.

Whitening creams from age spots

To achieve a positive effect, you need to choose the "right" whitening cream, get acquainted with its features and the principle of action.

Pigmented spots removal

Hyperpigmentation on the skin is a very unpleasant phenomenon, because many of us dream of having an impeccable smooth skin without visible flaws. About whether it is possible to remove pigmented spots, whether it is possible to deal with such a widespread defect, we will talk in detail about many methods of modern medicine in this article.


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