

Injuries and poisonings

Carbon monoxide poisoning (CO): symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Carbon monoxide poisoning causes acute symptoms: headache, nausea, weakness, exertional angina, dyspnoea, loss of consciousness and to whom. Neurological symptoms can develop after a week.

Treatment of poisoning

Patients with severe poisoning may require mechanical ventilation and / or treatment of cardiovascular collapse. In the case of mental disorders, continuous monitoring and fixation may be required.

Diagnosis of poisoning

The first stage of diagnosis is the evaluation of the patient's general condition. Severe poisoning may require emergency measures to treat acute cardiovascular failure (collapse).

Poisoning: general information

Poisoning as a result of accidents and intentional self-inflicted (deliberate) poisoning are a common reason for contacting emergency departments and a number of deaths.

Poisoning with acetylsalicylic acid

Poisoning with salicylates can cause vomiting, tinnitus, frustration, hyperthermia, respiratory alkalosis, metabolic acidosis and multiple organ failure.

Paracetamol poisoning

Paracetamol poisoning can cause gastroenteritis within a few hours and liver damage within 1-3 days after ingestion. The severity of damage to the liver after a single acute overdose can be predicted by the concentration of paracetamol in the blood plasma.

Stress fracture of metatarsals

Stress fracture of metatarsal bones is possible as a result of repeated stress effects when lifting weight.

Injury of calcaneal tendon

Damage to the calcaneus tendon includes inflammation of loose tissue surrounding the tendon, partial or complete ruptures.

Pear-shaped muscle syndrome

Syndrome pear-shaped muscle - infringement of the sciatic nerve pear-shaped muscle, resulting in pain.

Elbow of a golfer (medial epicondylitis)

Medial epicondylitis (elbow of a golfer) - inflammation of flexor muscles and pronators, starting from the medial epicondyle of the humerus; is much less common than lateral epicondylitis.


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