

Diabetic nutrition

Goji berries with diabetes

Today, more often you can see on the Internet pages mention of such overseas guests as goji berries - a product used for excess weight and diabetes.

Honey for type 1 and type 2 diabetes: what can be consumed, benefit and harm

Diabetes is a complex and dangerous disease, the essence of which is the failure of the endocrine system: the carbohydrate and water metabolism in the body is disrupted.

Alcohol in diabetes mellitus type 1 and 2: effect on the body

Nobody knows when alcohol has appeared, but it has firmly entered our life. Many people badly imagine the celebration of various events without alcoholic drinks and just resort to it to relax, cheer up, chat with friends.

Boiled and canned corn for type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus

Diabetes mellitus is a disease that requires a special approach to its nutrition. It is not cured and a person is forced to control sugar throughout life, keeping it within healthy boundaries, and using a low-carbohydrate diet.

Oils for diabetes mellitus type 1 and type 2: what can be?

It is difficult to imagine our food without using butter or vegetable oils. Without them we can not prepare salads, mash, sandwich, fry, marinate.

Red, white and string beans with type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus

The violation of glucose metabolism in diabetics makes them responsibly approach their diet and use a low-carb diet to regulate blood sugar levels.

Black, red and white currants with diabetes mellitus

In order to replenish the stores of nutrients, people in the season try to eat as much berries and fruits as possible, and also to make preparations for the winter period.

Nuts with diabetes mellitus

Diabetes is an endocrine disease, the mechanism of which is the lack of synthesis of the pancreas hormone insulin, which processes the body's carbohydrate - glucose.

Fruits in Diabetes

A person, who has any form of diabetes mellitus, almost immediately faces many restrictions - mainly in nutrition.

Melon in Diabetes

Most diabetics are forced to restrict their diet - and, first of all, it concerns carbohydrate food, including sweet fruits and berries. But how to stay in the season, when in the shops and markets everywhere are offered sweet and fragrant fruits - melon.


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