

Neck, throat, mouth

Why does jaw crunch and what to do?

Jaw crunch can be heard suddenly, with chewing, talking or yawning.

Causes of thirst

The causes of thirst may be hiding in the presence of serious health problems. Naturally, in the summer, the desire to constantly consume liquid is the norm.

Lust at night

Lust at night can arise on a number of different factors. Many people suffer from this symptom often. Naturally, this is not always normal.

Thirst for water

According to experts without food, we can live, without harm to health, for about eight weeks, whereas the absence of moisture brings death nearer after three days. Therefore, such a simple question, like the thirst for water, has been and remains quite relevant.

Dryness in throat

The most varied causes can provoke dryness in the throat. Often this is one of the signs of infectious inflammatory diseases, but in some cases, the causes can be banal and have no relation to pathology.

Bleeding gums

Bleeding gums are often found when brushing teeth. This symptom indicates the presence of a disease or damage to the gingival mucosa.

Eating belly eggs during pregnancy - as a symptom of the disease

An unpleasant odor occurs when the gastrointestinal tract is malfunctioning. If you start to bother with burping of rotten eggs during pregnancy, the digestion process may be disturbed.

Eating belly eggs in children

The most common cause of eructation of rotten eggs in a child is dyskinesia of bile ducts.

Eating belly eggs - as a symptom of the disease

To understand and describe the state of a person who suffers from a belching of rotten eggs, one should imagine the processes of formation of hydrogen sulfide gas in the digestive system.

Yellow coating on the tongue: what's the problem?

Ask any doctor why the tongue is covered with yellow coating, and you will hear advice to ask for the correct answer to the gastroenterologist. However, such a recommendation will sound if there is a touch of any other color.


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