

Shoulders, hands

Pain in the armpit

Pain in the armpit is provoked by various reasons, both simple enough in terms of treatment, so serious enough, requiring careful examination and complex therapeutic actions.

Pain in the shoulder joint

Pain in the shoulder joint is a fairly common complaint for patients of many age groups. The shoulder joint is actively used by everyone - from small to large, as this is perhaps one of the most mobile joints in the body.

Elbow pain

Pain in the elbow joint may appear not only from a stroke. The elbow joint is susceptible to such a disease as epicondylitis (external and internal). It arises from trauma or severe overload of tendons on the arm and affects a person regardless of age.

Pain in the little finger

Pain in the little finger can be associated with pressure on the nerve in the area of the wrist or elbow. The main cause of pain is most often an ulnar or radial tunnel syndrome.

Pain in the muscles of the hands

Pain in the muscles of the hands appears in times of extreme fatigue from physical overstrain or as a consequence of the development of one of many diseases.

Pain in the fingers

There are many diseases that can cause pain in the fingers. First, it is rheumatoid arthritis, a chronic inflammatory disease in which joint damage occurs. The exact reasons for the origin of this disease are still not completely clear.

Pain in the left shoulder

Pain in the left shoulder is often caused by excessive physical exertion, fraught with inflammatory processes. Inflammatory currents, in turn, provoke articular effusion, local edema and even to minor ruptures of muscles and tendons that span the shoulder joint.

Pain in the nail

Pain in the nail can bring a lot of problems and turn into unpleasant consequences for those who ignore it. But a certain percentage of patients do so, believing that the pain will pass by itself, or engaged in self-medication, using "grandmother" methods. Many people generally ask why we need these horny plates at the ends of the fingers?

Pain in fingers

Pain in the fingers, depending on the type of pain, can be caused by various causes.

Pain in the left hand

The causes that cause pain in the left hand can be many. Painful sensations can spread all over the hand or concentrate in a certain place. Depending on the disease, the pain can be pulsating or monotonous, constant or periodic, shooting or piercing, blunt or acute, with a burning sensation and without it, paroxysmal and entails numbness.


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