

Diseases of the lungs, bronchi and pleura (pulmonology)

Pathogenesis of pneumonia

The formation of community-acquired or hospital pneumonia occurs as a result of the implementation of several pathogenetic mechanisms, the most important of which are: violations of a complex multi-stage respiratory protection system from the penetration of microorganisms into the respiratory sections of the lungs;

Causes of pneumonia

The most frequent pathogens of pneumonia are Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, intracellular pathogens, less often fungi and viruses. In young people, pneumonia is more likely to be caused by a single pathogen (monoinfection), whereas in elderly patients and people with concomitant diseases, the cause of pneumonia is often bacterial or viral-bacterial associations (mixed infection), which creates serious difficulties in selecting adequate etiotropic treatment.

Classification of pneumonia

In the past, there were several successful clinical classifications of pneumonia, which included their division depending on the etiology, the clinical and morphological variant of pneumonia, the localization and extent of the lesion, the severity of the clinical course, the presence of respiratory insufficiency and other complications.

Pneumonia in adults

Pneumonia is a group of different in etiology, pathogenesis, morphological picture and clinical manifestations of acute infectious inflammatory diseases of the lungs, characterized by the primary lesion of the alveoli and the development of inflammatory exudation in them.

Respiratory Failure: An Overview of Information

Syndrome of respiratory failure can complicate the course of most acute and chronic respiratory diseases and is one of the main reasons for repeated hospitalizations, disability, physical activity in everyday life and premature death of patients.

Anomalies in the development of the trachea and bronchi: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Acquired deviations of the trachea and bronchi proceed without significant changes in their lumen. Most often, bronchial deviations occur due to external pressure of the tumor or cyst located in the lung parenchyma.

Foreign bodies of the trachea and bronchi: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Penetration of the foreign body into the lower respiratory tract is a rather frequent phenomenon, for this it is necessary that this foreign body "deceive the vigilance" of the laryngeal locking mechanism and "take unawares" a wide open entrance to the larynx during a deep inspiration preceding laughter, sneezing, sudden screaming.

Trachea and bronchial trauma: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Trachea can be damaged, deflected or squashed in the cervical and thoracic areas. As damaging factors can serve as firearms (bullets, fragments, etc.), piercing and cutting weapons, blows with blunt objects, compression, bruises when falling from a height, etc.

Chronic bronchitis: an overview of information

Chronic bronchitis is a chronic inflammatory disease of the bronchi accompanied by a constant cough with sputum separation for at least 3 months a year for 2 or more years, and these symptoms are not associated with any other diseases of the bronchopulmonary system, upper respiratory tract or other organs and systems .

Acute, chronic and viral tracheitis: whether it is contagious, how long it lasts

Tracheitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the trachea that occurs in acute infectious diseases affecting the respiratory tract (influenza, measles, whooping cough, less commonly typhoid, etc.). Inflammatory diseases of the trachea are rarely isolated; more often the trachea is affected with a descending, less often - ascending catarrh of the upper respiratory tract.


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