

Infectious and parasitic diseases

Cholera: diagnosis

Clinical diagnosis in the presence of epidemiological data and a characteristic clinical picture (the onset of the disease with diarrhea followed by vomiting, the absence of pain and fever, the nature of vomiting) is not complicated, however, light, erased forms of the disease, especially single cases, are often seen.

Cholera: symptoms

Cholera has an incubation period that lasts from several hours to 5 days, usually 2-3 days, after which typical cholera symptoms appear.

Cholera: causes and pathogenesis

The cholera vibrio is represented by two biovars, similar in morphological and tinctorial properties (the biology of cholera itself and the biologist El Tor). Cholera pathogens are short curved gram-negative rods (1.5-3 μm long and 0.2-0.6 μm wide), highly mobile due to the presence of a polar flagellum.


Cholera (cholera) - acute anthroponous infectious disease with fecal-oral mechanism of transmission of the causative agent, for which typical diarrhea with rapid development of dehydration. In connection with the possibility of mass distribution refers to quarantine, dangerous to human diseases.

Treatment of foodborne diseases

Treatment is started by washing the stomach with a warm 2% solution of sodium bicarbonate or water. The procedure is carried out prior to the departure of pure washings. Rinsing of the stomach is contraindicated with high blood pressure: people with IHD, peptic ulcer: in the presence of symptoms of shock, suspected myocardial infarction, poisoning with chemicals.

Diagnosis of food toxic infections

Diagnosis of food toxic infections is based on the clinical picture of the disease, the group nature of the disease, the connection with the use of a certain product in violation of the rules for its preparation, storage or sale.

Symptoms of food poisoning

The incubation period is from 2 hours to 1 day; at food toxic infections of staphylococcal etiology - up to 30 min. The acute period of the disease is from 12 hours to 5 days, after which the period of convalescence comes. In the clinical picture, general intoxication, dehydration and gastrointestinal syndrome are at the forefront.

What causes foodborne disease?

Combining foodborne infections into a separate nosological form is caused by the need to unify measures to combat their spread and the effectiveness of the syndromic approach to treatment.

Foodborne diseases

Food toxicosis (food bacterial poisoning, Latin toxicoinfectiones alimentariae) is a polyetiological group of acute intestinal infections that occur after eating food contaminated with conditionally pathogenic bacteria in which the accumulation of microbial mass of pathogens and their toxins occurred.

Treatment of Escherichiosis

In light cases, treatment of Escherichia is carried out outpatiently in the presence of favorable household, sanitary and hygienic conditions.


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