

Diseases of the nervous system (neurology)

Obsessive-compulsive disorder: diagnosis

Before definitive diagnosis of obsessive-compulsive disorder, it is necessary to conduct differential diagnosis with several other common conditions. As already noted, the presence of criticism to its state (at the time of the examination or according to anamnestic data) distinguishes obsessive-compulsive disorder from primary psychotic disorders.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: What's Happening?

Conditions that resemble obsessive-compulsive disorder, were first described more than 300 years ago. At each stage of the development of ideas about obsessive-compulsive disorder, they underwent changes under the influence of the intellectual and scientific climate of the era. In early theories, states like obsessive-compulsive disorder were explained by perverted religious experiences.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder: symptoms

According to DSM-IV, obsessive-compulsive disorder is a variant of an anxiety disorder characterized by obsessively repeated undesirable, unpleasant thoughts, images or impulses (obsessions) and / or repetitive actions that a person performs compulsorily and according to certain rules (compulsions).

Obsessive-compulsive disorder

According to DSM-IV, obsessive-compulsive disorder is a variant of an anxiety disorder characterized by obsessively repeated undesirable, unpleasant thoughts, images or impulses (obsessions) and / or repetitive actions that a person performs compulsorily and according to certain rules (compulsions).

Reading disorders: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Reading is a complex process, in which it is possible to identify motor, perceptual, cognitive and linguistic aspects. Reading is impossible without the ability to distinguish lexical images (letters) and transform them into phonetic (sound) images, catch the syntactic structure of phrases and sentences, recognize the semantic meaning of words and sentences, and also without adequate short-term memory.

Learning Disorders: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment

Adequate training depends on a number of factors, including cognitive functions, motivation, familiarity with the spoken language in which the school is taught, the level of expected academic success, and the quality of the explanation in the class. Low academic performance can have an adverse effect on self-esteem, leading to social exclusion, exclusion from the full cultural life and economic activities of society.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Treatment

The choice of treatment is affected by the severity of the symptoms, the opinions of parents, educators, school workers and the children themselves. It also depends on how much the environment can mitigate the manifestations of the disease, as well as the effectiveness of previous treatment. Currently, preference is given to an integrated ("multimodal") approach, combining medical therapy and psychosocial correction methods.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Symptoms

Usually patients with attention deficit hyperactivity have difficulty in the process of performing the task, easily distracted, and it often seems that their thoughts are not focused on any real action, but are hovering somewhere in the distance. They try to avoid situations that require focusing on details and organizational skills, often lose the necessary items and generally are forgetful.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Causes

Sociological research confirms that attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is the most common mental disorder in childhood and adolescence, detectable in 5-10% of primary school pupils. In the US, more than 7% of school-age children are treated with psychostimulants (mainly methylphenidate). Psychostimulants are accepted by almost 25% of children enrolled in special programs.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

The terms "attention deficiency with hyperactivity" and "developmental disorders" rather describe the clinical phenomenon rather than the name of independent diseases. Many efforts have been made to separate separate nosological units with specific etiology and pathogenesis within these states.


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