

This is the age category of children from 3 to 7 years, that is, from early childhood to the beginning of schooling. Preschool period of development of children is the most important from the point of view of physiology and psychology.

At this time, children begin to grow faster, especially the hands and feet, and the annual weight gain on average is two kilograms. The immune system becomes stronger.

During these years of life preschoolers learn a lot of necessary for life skills, acquire and consolidate norms of ethics and social behavior. And the skills and personal qualities are formed in the process of the main activities of the preschooler - the game and creativity.

What if the child lags behind in development?

If the child lags behind in physical and mental development, this can be calculated from his behavior.

How to deal with the aggression of a preschooler?

A smart, kind and attractive child can become aggressive, crying and hysterical. And this state becomes his second "I". Or it is different: the child behaves perfectly, tries to obey all adults, but suddenly an outbreak of unexpected aggression puts parents at a dead end. How to deal with the aggression of a preschooler?

How to recognize deviations in the behavior of preschoolers?

Very often teachers in kindergarten and mothers complain that their pre-school kids are either too violent and aggressive, or, conversely, too slowly perceive information. How to recognize deviations in the behavior of preschool children and how to distinguish the normal behavior of a child from an abnormal behavior?

What is dangerous for a child's hyperactivity?

Hyperactivity of the child creates the most problems in kindergarten and then in school. Scientists argue that no other feature of the child's cerebral activity delivers to him and others so much trouble. Meanwhile, the reasons for the hyperactivity of the child are very diverse: they relate not only to upbringing, but also depend on nutrition, and on how well the mother's pregnancy has progressed, and even ... On the material wealth in the family. Read more on the child's hyperactivity and what to do about it.

Preschooler in the car: how to ensure the safety of the child?

The safety of the preschooler in the car should be taken care of by us, adults. How to do it correctly?

Dyslexia in children: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Dyslexia is a general term that describes primary reading disorders. Diagnostics includes examination of intellectual abilities, academic performance, speech development, state of health, as well as psychological examination

Disorders of the acquisition of school skills in children

Disorders of acquiring school skills are conditions in which there is a discrepancy between the actual and potential level of the child's progress at school, which is determined on the basis of the child's intellectual abilities.

Development of feelings in preschool children

In the process of getting acquainted with works of painting, fiction, listening to music, aesthetic feelings begin to appear in the child. He learns to see the beauty of nature and the life around him.

Formation of speech and thinking in children 2-5 years old

At this age, the child's vocabulary grows very quickly. If at 2 years he was about 250-300 words, then by the age of 5 he has reached 2500 words. The child is intensely mastering grammatical forms, his speech becomes more clear and coherent.

Development of memory, attention, imagination and perception in a 2-5 year old child

Perception in children from 2 to 5 years old is of an active-active nature. To perceive an object means for the child to perform some kind of practical action with him.


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