
Methods of research in obstetrics

Various biochemical and hardware methods of research in obstetrics allow you to monitor the health of the future mother and fetus from the first days of taking the pregnant woman to the account in the women's consultation.

Reliable data from echographic fetal examinations (ultrasound screening), a pregnant woman's blood test for hormones, a biochemical and cytological study of amniotic fluid, and other methods of obstetric research help doctors to detect abnormalities that often occur during pregnancy and take adequate therapeutic measures.

Ultrasound in early pregnancy

Ultrasound in early pregnancy is prescribed for all without exception. Many women experience that ultrasonic waves can harm, only the organism that has begun to develop.

Fetal ultrasound

Ultrasonic scanning (UZS) is a highly informative, harmless method of research and allows for dynamic monitoring of the fetus. UZS is produced if there is a suspicion of multiple pregnancy, polyhydramnios, ectopic and undeveloped pregnancies, bladder skidding, fetal development retardation syndrome, and congenital malformations

Hormonal methods of research

In the relationship between the mother and fetus organisms, the placenta acts as a gland of internal secretion. In it, there are processes of synthesis, secretion and transformation of a number of hormones of the protein and steroid structure.

Invasive methods of prenatal diagnosis

This type of prenatal diagnosis is widely used to identify a large number of fetal diseases, including genetic diseases and chromosomal abnormalities.

Amniotic fluid and amniocentesis

The amniotic fluid is produced by the cells of the amnion and the filtration of the blood plasma of the mother, the volume of this fluid depends on the vital activity of the fetus. At the 10th week of pregnancy, the volume of amniotic fluid is 30 ml, on the 20th - 300 ml, on the 30th - 600 ml. The maximum volume is reached between the 34th and 38th week (800-1000 ml), and then it begins to decrease by 150 ml per week.

Obstetric and gynecological examination

These include blood group analysis, serological testing and a complete blood count. The doctor also checks the Rh factor ...

Whether it is possible to do or make a roentgen in position

Experts believe that computer topography can have negative side effects, especially in the first 3 months of pregnancy.

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