

Treatment of synovitis

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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The most effective methods of pathogenetic treatment of recurrent synovitis is the appointment of drugs that neutralize most of the links of the "vicious circle".

The most effective of them are Indomethacin, Brufen, Salicylates, Heparin, Rumalon, and Glucocorticoids. They are accepted according to the instructions. Each drug should be used during meals 1-2 tablets, 2-3 times a day. Dosage is adjusted depending on each individual case. There are also contraindications regarding taking, it is hypersensitivity, impaired kidney function and pregnancy. It is also recommended from the 3rd-4th day to use physical methods (magnetotherapy, UHF, heparin electrophoresis, lazonil, countercale, phonophoresis of corticosteroid hormones, etc.).

Despite good effectiveness, Heparin is contraindicated because of the danger of increased bleeding in the joint cavity. Complex treatment allows to prevent the possibility of transition of the disease to a chronic form and the development of relapse. In chronic inflammation with the presence of permanent or recurrent effusions and significant infiltration of the synovial membrane, the use of inhibitors of proteolytic enzymes (proteinase, hyaluronidase, lysozyme, etc.), as well as agents that stabilize the membranes of lysosomes and reduce their permeability is shown. As such inhibitory factors use Trasilol or Contrikal 5000 ED per intraarticular (for a course of 3-5 injections with intervals of 3-5 days).

The inhibitory effect on lysosomal enzymes and a decrease in permeability is also caused by the use of small doses of corticosteroids (hydrocortisone emulsion, Kenalog-40, dexazone, etc.). Therefore, intra-articular therapy has a significant anti-inflammatory and antiproliferative effect and quickly normalizes the synovial environment of the joint. It should be emphasized that the use of hydrocortisone and other drugs requires increased aseptic conditions, knowledge of the technique of administration, dosage and intervals of treatment of synovitis.

Which doctor treats synovitis?

Many people are interested in the question, which doctor treats synovitis? The first thing a person goes to the therapist, he examines the damaged area and writes a referral to a specialist. In some cases, the victim immediately goes to the reception to a traumatologist. This mainly happens if unpleasant symptoms appear immediately after the injury.

Most people are referred to a surgeon. After all, in some cases the problem is solved directly by an operative way. But if the situation is not started, then all can be corrected medically.

Worry about what kind of doctor should not be treated. It's enough just to visit your therapist, and he will send it to the appropriate specialist. Or immediately to attend an appointment with a traumatologist. If the inflammation has occurred in the child, it is worth to register with a child therapist. In any case, the synovitis should be quickly diagnosed and started to be eliminated in a timely manner.

Treatment of synovitis of the knee joint

Treatment of synovitis of the knee joint consists of several effective steps. As a rule, this is a joint puncture, immobilization, prescription of medications and surgical treatment (if necessary), and puncture of the joint.

The main and important component of the treatment is the joint puncture, which should be performed first of all in the diagnosis of joint synovitis. Usually this procedure is performed in a small operating room without anesthesia, as it is a painless procedure. With a thin needle pierce the joint and suck out the synovial fluid, after which the selected exudate is sent to the laboratory for examination.

Immobilization of the joint. In order for the treatment to be truly effective, it is necessary to limit the mobility of the joint and to provide it with complete rest. Treatment of inflammation of the knee joint involves immobilization with a pressure bandage or special patella. In acute infectious form with severe joint damage, rigid immobilization may be required - application of tires or gypsum longites. As a rule, the period of immobilization of the joint does not exceed 5-7 days.

Drug therapy. Without the use of pills, the inflammatory process risks not only dragging out, but also complicated by suppuration of the joint, its destruction or sepsis. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to such drugs as Heparin, Indomethacin, Brufen. Take them should be 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day. Dosage should be adjusted depending on the specific situation. There are also contraindications regarding use. It is not necessary to take funds during pregnancy, hypersensitivity and during lactation.

Synovitis therapy uses such groups of drugs: nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, inhibitors of proteolytic enzymes, corticosteroids, microcirculatory regulators and antibiotics.

Treatment of synovitis of the ankle

Treatment of synovitis of the ankle joint is a complex of measures that include medications, physical exercises and physical therapy. In some cases, surgery is performed. According to statistics, this disease, if it is subjected to treatment in the early stages, does not leave unpleasant consequences. The main methods of therapy are.

Tablets are used from a group of anti-inflammatory non-steroidal pain relievers, for example, Ketanov, Nimesil, Nemid, etc. You can take them 3-4 times a day, but after eating. These drugs relieve unpleasant pain syndrome. Therefore, an additional set of measures to eliminate the problem is required. In addition, these medications have a number of contraindications. So, they can not be used for hypersensitivity and pregnancy. It is advisable to use them after consulting a doctor.

It is possible to eliminate inflammation with the help of ointment. To do this, fitust gel, Diclofenac and Voltaren. They contain anti-inflammatory, analgesic and cooling components. Their action is aimed at reducing temperature, reducing edema, pain and redness.

Inflammation can be eliminated by alternative means. Typically, use alcohol tinctures, soothing plant extracts, antiseptic solutions, etc. The most popular means is alcohol tincture with honey and lavender. It is capable of decontaminating and soothing inflammation. It is necessary to understand that such methods can not simply not be effective, but also provoke complications. Especially if it is an infectious or traumatic cause of synovitis.

Treatment of chronic synovitis

Treatment of chronic synovitis in protracted forms and failure of conservative treatment in most cases is operational. Partial, subtotal or total synovectomy is performed, depending on the severity and extent of the process.

The cavity of the knee joint is gradually opened by a cut of the Pyle type. Then a revision is made, foreign bodies, damaged menisci are removed, the cover cartilage is sanitized. The pathologically altered synovial membrane is excised. It is not difficult to separate it from a fibrous capsule if it gets into the "layer"; then it is removed, like a glove. With total synovectomy, which is performed much less frequently and with special forms of synovitis, two rear accesses are also used - posterior and internal.

After synovectomy, careful hemostasis, hemostatic and anti-inflammatory therapy is necessary. The finiteness is stacked on the bus of Belera and it is recommended to use early motionless movement (from the 3rd-4th day). Of complications, joint contractures and synovitis relapse often occur.

Compress with synovitis

Compress with synovitis should contain a good medicine. On this depends the effectiveness of treatment. Compressors have a somewhat greater therapeutic effect compared to ointments. Of the currently used topical agents of local interest, three drugs deserve: Dimexide, Bischofite and medical bile. Dimexide is a chemical. It is a liquid with colorless crystals, has a good anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Dimexide is really capable of penetrating through skin barriers. That is, the dimexide applied to the skin is really absorbed by the body and works inside it, reducing inflammation in the source of the disease. In addition, the drug has a resolving power and improves metabolism in the field of application, which makes it most useful in the treatment of arthrosis, occurring with the presence of synovitis, primarily knee and ankle joints.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that Dimexide is contraindicated in patients with liver and kidney diseases, with stenocardia, glaucoma and cataract. The drug is allergic, so before the start of treatment, you must definitely test for sensitivity to it. For this procedure, the preparation is applied to the skin of the patient and waits for a certain time. If there is a sharp redness and itching, you can not use the medicine to the patient. In the absence of a reaction, Dimexide can be used, but with special rules. To prepare a compress you need to take a tablespoon of boiled water and a tablespoon of Dimexide. All this is intensively mixed in a cup. Then you need a gauze, preferably purchased at the pharmacy and sterile, for example, sterile wipes. Gauze should be moistened in solution and put on the affected joint, top covered with polyethylene, and on top of it, a layer of cotton wool or cotton cloth. We keep this compress from 20 minutes to one hour (not longer!). The procedure is done only once a day, and the course of treatment consists of 15-20 similar applications, that is, it takes an average of 2-3 weeks. In this case, the synovitis will gradually recede.

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Knee-joints with synovitis

Knee joints with synovitis are primarily designed for fixing the knee joint to prevent injuries and the fastest recovery after surgery. If to speak about the main purpose, then the knee is used to support the joint after removing the plaster bandage. It is very simple to use and can be used without the use of special skills.

Such a knee provides an average fixation and stabilization of the knee. In this case, it is necessary to compress the joint itself and the anterolateral sections. The knee provides a light massage and produces a warming effect. The reinforcement seams in the back of the knee protect the extension and prevent the hypotrophy of the quadriceps muscle.

The knee is used for soft fixation of the knee joint. The retainer has a compression and slightly tightens the area of the knee joint. The knee knee performs the same functions as the tight bandage with an elastic bandage. It differs from the bandage in that it is more convenient to use. It can be easily put on and removed without resorting to outside help.

The fixator is contraindicated for use in skin diseases in the knee joint area. The main advantage is that this knee is almost invisible under the clothes. In occasion of its or his application at a synovitis, it is necessary to consult with the doctor.

Ointments from synovitis

Ointments from synovitis, as a rule, are included in complex treatment. In inflammation, it is recommended to apply warming ointments in order to improve blood circulation in the joint. For this use Menovazine, Gevkamen, Espol, Nikoflex-cream, etc. They should be used 2-3 times a day, causing a thin layer on the damaged area. These ointments usually cause the patient a feeling of pleasant warmth and comfort. They rarely give any side effects.

Ointments based on bee venom (Apisatron, Ungapiven) and venom of snakes (Viprosal) have an irritating and distracting effect, but, in addition, absorbed in a small amount through the skin, improve the elasticity of ligaments and muscles, as well as microcirculation. Apply them too, you need 2-3 times a day, applying a thin layer. Use the product is not possible with hypersensitivity to the main components of the drugs. However, side effects from their use are more: such ointments quite often cause allergy and inflammation of the skin in places of their application. You should also know that they are contraindicated for women in critical days and children.

Ointments based on non-steroidal anti-inflammatory substances, such as Indomethacin, Butadionic, Dolgite, Voltaren-gel and Fastum. They are used only in cases when the course of gonarthrosis is aggravated by synovitis. Unfortunately, they do not work as effectively as we would like - after all, the skin misses no more than 5-7% of the active substance, and this is clearly not enough to develop a full-fledged anti-inflammatory effect.

Antibiotics with synovitis

Antibiotics with synovitis are used exclusively to eliminate further progression of the disease. Naturally, drugs are used in complex therapy. With the help of some antibiotics, the problem can not be eliminated.

Nimid's good. This product has excellent analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. It is necessary to use the device 3-4 times a day. During pregnancy and in the period of breastfeeding, the medicine should never be used. In general, the dosage of the drug depends on the complexity of the situation.

You need to pay attention to an ointment like Fastum and Voltaren-gel. They also contain antibiotics. The drugs have excellent analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. You need to take medication 2-3 times a day, for a week. The duration of treatment depends on the complexity of the situation. In general, which antibiotics to apply, decides the attending physician. After all, synovitis is a serious disease requiring complex treatment.

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Dimexide with synovite

Dimexide in synovitis is one of the effective means. It is an anti-inflammatory drug for external use, inactivates hydroxyl radicals, improves the course of metabolic processes in the inflammatory focus. In addition, the agent has a local anesthetic, analgesic and antimicrobial effect; has moderate fibrinolytic activity. Dimexid penetrates through the skin, mucous membranes, the membrane of microbial cells (increases their sensitivity to antibiotics) and other biological membranes, increases their permeability for drugs.

Indications. The medication is used as part of complex therapy: diseases of the musculoskeletal system: rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis (Bekhterev's disease), deforming osteoarthritis (in the presence of periarticular tissue damage), reactive synovitis; limited scleroderma, nodal erythema, discoid lupus erythematosus, in skin and plastic surgery - canning of skin homotransplants.

Contraindications. This is hypersensitivity, severe hepatic and / or renal failure, angina pectoris, severe atherosclerosis, glaucoma, cataract, stroke, coma, myocardial infarction, pregnancy, lactation.

There are side effects. These include allergic reactions, contact dermatitis, erythematous rashes, dry skin, mild burning, itching dermatitis; rarely - bronchospasm.

The method of administration and dose depend on the complexity of the disease. Nakozhno, in the form of appliqués and irrigation (washing). In a solution of the required concentration, gauze wipes are moistened and applied to the affected areas within 20-30 minutes. A polyethylene film and cotton or linen cloth are applied over the napkin. The duration of the application is 10-15 days. As preserving medium for storage of skin homotransplants, 5% solution is used in Ringer's solution. Less concentrated solutions produce washing of purulent-necrotic and inflammatory foci and cavities. Ointment - in the form of rubbing 2-3 times a day.

Alflutope with synovitis

Alflutope with synovitis is adopted according to different schemes. Basically, this is an intramuscular injection of the drug, combined, involving intra-articular injection of Alflutop in combination with intramuscular injections.

The second scheme is more effective, but, nevertheless, associated with possible complications (reactive synovitis, infectious arthritis, etc.). The symptomatic effect of Alflutope has also been demonstrated by many researchers. Long-term studies concerning this drug have not been carried out.

Alflutop's research on pain reduction. Very intriguing is the analgesic effect of the drug, which manifests itself fairly quickly. In an open multicentre study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of Alflutop in patients with vertebrogenic cervicobrahialgia, its ability to reduce the severity of the pain syndrome, increase mobility in the cervical spine and shoulder joint is demonstrated. In general, 82% of patients showed a positive result, while the analgesic effect was manifested already within the first 2 weeks after the start of treatment. In a special double-blind, placebo-controlled study on the use of Alflutope in chronic lumbosciagia, his course of treatment with Alflutope also resulted in a significant decrease in the intensity of the pain syndrome in the study group of patients with chronic back pain. As a result of therapy, there was a significant improvement in the motor functions of patients, which is an important factor in the prevention of relapse and chronic pain. All this testifies that with synovitis this preparation should be taken.


Physiotherapy with synovitis

Physiotherapy with synovitis is able to help with different types of disease. Reactions of the body to the physical factor of the physiotherapeutic procedure are specific for a certain state of the organism, although the therapeutic effects sometimes develop on the basis of general (nonspecific) reactions of the organism.

This specificity requires a targeted choice of the physiotherapy factor and the methods of its application. The fact is that the constituent essence of the pathogenetic action of therapeutic physical factors is at a high level

When infection occurs, purulent inflammation develops. In addition to the treatment of the underlying disease, puncture of the joint is applied, a pressure bandage is applied, immobilization of the limb with a gypsum breakthrough, physiotherapy is prescribed. When acute synovitis treatment is carried out in a hospital.

The purpose of physiotherapy in the diagnosis of synovitis in the active phase of the disease is to achieve stabilization and regression of the process, in the inactive phase - syndrome relief. Only the attending physician can prescribe certain exercises.

Massage with synovitis

Massage with synovitis has a positive effect. The fact is that spasm of periarticular muscles causes an increase in intraarticular pressure and load on the joint surface, as well as a decrease in blood flow in the muscle, as a result of which local ischemia develops. Therefore, it is necessary to effectively eliminate muscle spasm. This stage is of great importance in the treatment and rehabilitation of patients with inflammation.

Such intervention is carried out extremely accurately and exclusively with the permission of the doctor. The fact is that in most cases it is necessary to ensure complete immobility of the joint. This is the only way to achieve effective treatment. Naturally, you can not do without special medicines. Massage is performed in exceptional cases. And does not represent a serious pressure on the damaged area. Because there is a risk to worsen the situation. Data on the disease of synovitis and its elimination by massage should be obtained from the attending physician.

Treatment of synovitis with alternative means

Treatment of synovitis with alternative means can begin only with the permission of the doctor. Depending on the nature of the disease and personal convenience, you can choose any of their proposed recipes, or a combination thereof.

  • Recipe 1. Comfrey tincture for the treatment of inflammation.

It is necessary to take half a glass of crushed comfrey roots and pour half a liter of vodka. Then insist two weeks in a dark place. Take tincture on a teaspoon three times a day, washing down with water.

  • Recipe 2. Broth of comfrey with knee joint damage.

One tablespoon of comfrey root is poured with a glass of boiling water in a thermos, closes tightly and insists for about an hour. This infusion should be drunk during the day, distributing portions evenly. Continue treatment for at least a month.

  • Recipe 3. Homemade ointment from comfrey.

Crushed 200 grams of pork salted fat and a glass of fresh grass comfrey. All this is well mixed and placed in the refrigerator for five days. Rub the obtained ointment in the affected joint twice a day, fixing the joint afterwards with an elastic bandage.

  • Prescription 4. Drug collection against inflammation.

It is necessary to take in equal parts grass of mistletoe, St. John's wort, thyme, oregano, eucalyptus, bearberry, calendula flowers, celandine, tansy, oregano, valerian, licorice, root of ayr, marshmallow. All mixed and put in glassware. A tablespoon of salt is poured into half a liter of boiling water, and boiled for about two minutes. Then you need to remove the heat from the heat. Evenly distributed amount of infusion between meals. Continue treatment for at least two months.

  • Recipe 5. Treatment synovitis with laurel oil.

Two tablespoons of well-crushed bay leaves are poured with 200 grams of sunflower or olive oil. The container is closed and left to insist for a week. The resulting hood should be shaken well and filtered. This oil rub the affected joint at night, and, if possible, during the day.

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