


Numbness and tingling of the left leg

Probably everyone is familiar with the sensation of numbness of any part of the body. Certain areas of the skin seem to contract, there is an unpleasant tingling, a temporary loss of sensitivity, a feeling of "running goosebumps," a slight itch and heaviness.

Numbness of the toe

Unpleasant feeling brings a numbness of the big toe. How is it caused and how dangerous is it for the human body?

Dryness of the skin of the feet

For example, dryness of the skin of the legs is not only an aesthetic problem, but also a medical one.

Weakness in the legs and other symptoms: dizziness, shivering, nausea, headache, drowsiness

Anyone at least sometimes, but feels weak in the legs. The reasons causing such weakness, can be set.

Pain in the lower leg: causes and consequences

Pain in the lower leg is a rather complex problem for a person, because they can be a symptom of a disease such as thrombosis, life-threatening. And thrombosis is not the only disease that is signaled by pains in the lower leg. It happens that such pain sensations in the shin are associated with diseases that are still in the initial stage of development - then they can be quickly cured.

One-sided hanging stop: causes, symptoms, diagnosis

A one-sided hanging stop may have a peripheral or central origin, and on this basis, it is necessary to consider the various causes of the onset of this condition.

Bilateral drooping foot: causes, symptoms, diagnosis

In contrast to a one-sided hanging stop that may be of central or peripheral origin, a bilateral hanging stop always indicates damage to the peripheral nerves or muscles. The onset of the disease can be slow, so that the patient gradually gets used to changing gait, or sharp.

Violation of gait (dysbasia)

In humans, ordinary "bipedal" walking is the most complexly organized motor act, which, along with speech ability, distinguishes a person from his predecessors. Walking is optimally realized only under the condition of a normal functioning of a large number of physiological systems.

One-sided local weakness of the leg muscles

One-sided local weakness of the leg muscles is often the initial stage of the lesion, which later becomes generalized. This is particularly characteristic, for example, for; amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, which often debuts with one-sided distal or proximal weakness; spinal muscular atrophy (rare), polymyositis and myasthenia gravis.

Symmetrical predominantly proximal weakness in the legs

Symmetrical predominantly proximal weakness in the legs is known as a variant of lower proximal paraparesis (with total paralysis - paraplegia).


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