


Diarrhea after eating

Diarrhea after eating occurs for various reasons, sometimes, thus, the body responds to new foods, it can also be a symptom of an irritated bowel or an allergic reaction.

Treatment of severity in the stomach

Treatment of severity in the stomach should be controlled by a doctor. Many people who are experiencing similar problems are wondering how quickly to get rid of it.

Feeling of heaviness in the stomach: what to do and what to take

Heaviness in the stomach occurs quite often. This phenomenon can be provoked by too heavy food, and the presence of a serious disease.

Why grumble in the stomach and what to do?

Almost every second person grumbles in the abdomen. In most cases, this phenomenon occurs against the background of ordinary fasting. But we should not exclude the fact that rumbling can torment a person due to the presence of a serious disease.

Heaviness in the stomach after eating

The severity in the stomach after eating significantly reduces the quality of life of the victim, telling the "owner" of the system failures affecting the body.

What to do with nausea?

Nausea, like the first phase of an emetic act, can be a consequence of food error, intestinal infection, a number of gastrointestinal diseases and CNS pathologies, as well as serious metabolic disorders, vitamin deficiencies, medications, etc. So information about what to do with nausea, will not be superfluous.

Why does it make me sick after eating and what should I do?

Agree, not a very pleasant feeling, when, having enjoyed the delicious food, you subsequently get an unpleasant sensation - when you feel sick after eating.

Treatment of flatulence

Treatment of flatulence can be done independently, using drugs to restore intestinal microflora, enzymes or medicinal herbs.

Causes of flatulence

The causes of meteorism are diverse. This disorder appears at any age, even in newborns. One of the causes of flatulence is the lack of enzymes due to imperfect work of the enzyme system or diseases of the digestive system.

Causes of Gravity in the Stomach

The causes of gravity in the stomach may be due to the presence of problems with the gastrointestinal tract. It is not uncommon for an unpleasant aftertaste in the oral cavity, nausea and vomiting, which causes the liver or difficulty in removing the bile.


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