

Examination of the body

Electrocardiography (ECG)

Electrocardiography is a study that remains out of the competition for its clinical significance. It is usually performed in dynamics and is an important indicator of the state of the heart muscle.

Venous pulse and venous pressure

The venous system ensures the flow of blood to the right heart. Therefore, with increasing pressure in the right atrium, corresponding to an increase in central venous pressure, in connection with heart failure, peripheral veins expand (swell), primarily visible veins on the neck.

Human arterial pulse

Pulse (pulsus) is a rhythmic oscillation of the artery wall, caused by a change in its blood filling as a result of cardiac contractions. The main clinical method for assessing the condition of the arteries and their pulsations is sensation.

Heart examination

Diseases of the cardiovascular system are currently the most common. Manifestations of these should be sought first of all in the examination of the heart and blood vessels. However, a number of symptoms are found with a general systematic examination of the patient. 

Complaints in diseases of the respiratory system

A typical complaint of the patient is a cough that reflects a reflex act caused by irritation of the nerve endings located in the larynx, the mucous membrane of different parts of the respiratory tract, but primarily the trachea and bronchi (especially in the tracheal bifurcation zones, the branches of the bronchi), as well as the pleura.

Examination of the respiratory system

In the study of the respiratory system (which, as in all other cases, begins with questioning, and then the examination, palpation, percussion and auscultation are performed), the main question to be answered is the determination of the primary localization of the process: respiratory tract, lung parenchyma or pleura.

Study of subcutaneous fat

The subcutaneous fat layer is examined almost simultaneously with the skin. The degree of development of fatty tissue is more often in accordance with the body weight and is determined by the size of the skin fold on the abdomen in the navel region; with a sharp decrease in the skin is easier to take in the fold, with a significant deposition of fat, this is often not possible to do.

Skin examination

The main complaint of patients, which causes to pay attention to the condition of the skin, is itching. Most often, it occurs simultaneously with skin changes that are detected during examination (for example, in psoriasis).

Inspection of lymph nodes

The increase in regional lymph nodes, for example on the neck, as well as in other areas, is sometimes the main complaint of patients leading them to the doctor. It is rarely possible to see enlarged lymph nodes that deform the corresponding part of the body. The main method of examining the lymph nodes is palpation.

Examination of the head, neck, bones and muscles

Examination of the head may be important primarily due to the presence of changes in the sense organs. It is possible to change the shape of the head (usually congenital) in the form of microcephaly and macrocephaly. With various diseases, there is a trembling of the head, for example, in parkinsonism, in the elderly. 


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