

Examination of the body

Investigation of cranial nerves. XII pair: sublingual nerve (n. Hypoglossus)

The sublingual nerve innervates the muscles of the tongue (except for M. Palatoglossus, supplied with X pair of cranial nerves). The study begins with a survey of the tongue in the oral cavity and when it protrudes. Pay attention to the presence of atrophy and fasciculations. Fasciculations are wormlike, rapid irregular twitching of the muscle.

Investigation of cranial nerves. XI pair: accessory nerve (n. Accessorius)

XI pair: an additional nerve (n. Accessorius) is a purely motor nerve that innervates the sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles. The investigation of the function of the additional nerve begins with the evaluation of the shape, size and symmetry of the sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles. It is usually enough to compare the right and left sides.

Investigation of cranial nerves. IX AND X Pairs: Glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves

The motor branch of the glossopharyngeal nerve innervates the shigellar muscle (M. Stylopharyngeus). Vegetative parasympathetic secretory branches go to the ear ganglion, which in turn sends the fibers to the parotid salivary gland. The sensory fibers of the glossopharyngeal nerve supply the posterior third of the tongue, the soft palate, the pharynx, the skin of the outer ear, the mucosa of the middle ear

Investigation of cranial nerves. VII pair: facial nerve (n. Facialis)

Investigation of the functions of the facial nerve begins with the evaluation of the symmetry of the patient's face at rest and with spontaneous facial expressions. Particular attention is paid to the symmetry of nasolabial folds and eye slits.

Investigation of cranial nerves. V pair: trigeminal nerve (n. Trigeminus)

The motor branches of the trigeminal nerve innervate the muscles that provide the movements of the lower jaw (chewing, temporal, lateral and medial pterygoids, maxillofacial, the anterior abdomen of the two-abdominal); muscle that strains the eardrum; muscle stretching the palatine curtain.

Investigation of cranial nerves. III, IV, VI pairs: oculomotor, block and distracting nerves

The oculomotor nerve contains motor fibers that innervate the medial, upper and lower rectus muscles of the eyeball, the lower oblique muscle and the muscle lifting the upper eyelid, as well as the vegetative fibers that, interrupted in the ciliary ganglion, innervate the inner smooth muscles of the eye-the pupil sphincter and the ciliary muscle .

Investigation of cranial nerves. II pair: optic nerve (n. Opticus)

Visual acuity is determined by ophthalmologists. To assess visual acuity in the distance use special tables with circles, letters, numbers. The standard table, used in Ukraine, contains 10-12 rows of signs (optotypes), the sizes of which are reduced from top to bottom by arithmetic progression. Vision is examined from a distance of 5 m, the table should be well lit.

Investigation of cranial nerves. I pair: olfactory nerve (n. Olfactorius)

The sense of smell is also checked in the presence of complaints of a violation of perception of odors, and without such, as often the patient himself does not realize that he has a sense of smell, but complains of a violation of taste (full taste sensations are possible only if the perception of food aromas is preserved) suspicion of a pathological process in the area of the anterior cranial fossa.


Electroneuromyography is performed for the purpose of topical diagnosis and evaluation of the lesions of various departments of the peripheral neuromotor apparatus and determining the effectiveness of the current therapy for neuroinfections.


Electroencephalography (EEG) is the recording of electrical waves characterized by a certain rhythm. When analyzing the EEG, attention is paid to the basal rhythm, symmetry of brain electrical activity, spike activity, response to functional tests. The diagnosis is based on the clinical picture.


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