


Temporal pain

Temporal pain can disturb a person in different forms. They can affect the temple on the left, the temple on the right or can hurt from both sides of the head. The pain can be acute or dull, short-term or prolonged. To choose an adequate treatment, it is important to know the causes of pain in the temples.

Pain in the eyes

Pain in the eyes can occur not only because the optic nerve is damaged or something is wrong with the cornea of the eye

Pain in the ears of children

Often parents do not understand why their little child cries for no apparent reason for a long time. It is worth remembering that such behavior can provoke pain in the ears of children.

Pain in the temples

Doctors, neuropathologists, leading the reception, often face complaints of pain in the temples.

Eyelid pain

Pain in the eyelid may be evidence of eye or eyelid disease.

Pain in the jaw

If there was a pain in the jaw of any kind and duration, then it is no longer possible to postpone the visit to the dentist.

Pain in cheek

There is a joke saying: "The head is the bone, there's nothing to be sick!", But we all know that it is very far from the truth. Along with headaches, ear and dental pain, a person can get a lot of trouble and pain in the cheek.

Important Facts About Headache

Headache sooner or later worries more than 80% of people around the world.

Headache in the nape: causes, treatment

Pain in the nape is one of the most insidious pains, because one can never say for sure whether it's the head itself or whether there are problems with the cervical vertebrae. Often a strong tension in the cervical extensor, which is located directly above the back of the head, can cause a headache. Pain in the occipital part of the neck can be manifested by tilting, turning the head, touching.

Pain in the shower

The concept of "soul" is very fuzzy and abstract, it can be attributed to something that can not be studied in a person empirically. Habits, fears, reaction to the environment, dreams, remembrance, all these modern scientists unite under the term "psycho" and are studied by such methods as psychology and psychiatry.


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