


Pain in inspiration

In some people, pain during inspiration provokes incredible torment.

Pain in the heart: causes and consequences

Pain in the heart is not just a disruption to the work of this important organ.

Pain when breathing

In most cases, the pain associated with breathing points to the mediastinum, the pleura or the near-cardiac region, as an alleged source of pain. Breathing movements can also affect the pain in the chest wall and not be symptoms of heart disease.

Heart pain treatment

The analysis of pathophysiological aspects and various clinical manifestations makes it possible to detect the multilevel and polysystemic nature of the various links in pathogenesis and symptom formation in the onset of pain in the region of the heart, rhythm disturbances and vascular tone, changes in the ECG.

Pain in the chest in children

Pain in the chest may occur if there is a disturbance in the rhythm of the heart. In such cases, jerky, unpleasant sensations are observed. They arise and at rest, often disappear when loaded. When a detailed survey, as a rule, it turns out that along with the pain patients feel a sense of interruption, heartbeats, "sinking" of the heart.


Among the pains in the heart, the greatest practical importance is the pain in IHD. In order to understand the mechanism of pain sensations, the peculiarities of their localization and irradiation, it is necessary to briefly discuss the anatomical and physiological features of the blood supply and innervation of the heart.

Chest pain

Almost every person has chest pain, not inferior in frequency to headache, abdominal pain. Chest pain complaints are quite common in primary medical practice. Each year, approximately 2% of all outpatient doctor visits are associated with chest pain complaints.


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