


Pain in the lungs

Pain in the lungs is a relative term, since the lungs can not hurt. The alveolar apparatus, or the parenchyma of the lungs, simply does not contain nerve endings. The lungs are located in the thoracic cavity and occupy it almost entirely, so it is quite natural that the pain that arises in other, sensitive organs, we take for pain in the lungs.

Pain in the ribs

Pain in the ribs is a symptom that is characterized by the appearance of pain in the chest, and more specifically, in bones of an arcuate shape, adjacent to or between the vertebral column. If there is pain in the ribs, first of all, it is necessary to establish its cause.

Vaginal pain

Vaginal pain is a complaint that doctors often hear, especially ambulance doctors. Diagnosis of these pains is quite complicated, because it can be either direct pains or irradiating ones - giving to the chest from other organs.

Pain in the clavicle

The clavicle is an important bone that acts as a link between the shoulder joint and the central bones of the skeleton. Thus, when there is pain in the collarbone, this can lead to a lot of discomfort and anxiety.

Heart pain

Often heartache is associated with damage to the osteochondral structures in the chest, internal organs, diseases of the peripheral nervous system and spine. Heart pain can be a manifestation of pulmonary embolism, myocardial infarction, malignant neoplasm of the lung, exfoliating aortic aneurysm, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diaphragmatic abscess, and so on.

Pain with myocardial infarction

Pain with myocardial infarction patients characterize as acute and even dagger, burning. Such pain is observed in people with ischemic necrosis, that is, necrosis of left ventricular muscle tissue. This necrosis is most often caused by a thrombus in the coronary artery, which provides this site with blood.

Pain with deep inspiration

Pain with deep breath can indicate a pleural disease, the penetration of viruses into the body or heart as a source of pain. Although in many cases, pain with inspiration does not involve cystic or respiratory problems. Pain with deep inspiration can be strong and sharp or, conversely, pulling and weak. Why do pains occur with deep inspiration and what are the attendant symptoms?

Chest pain - causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Pectoral pain is one of the most common complaints with which patients turn to a cardiologist.

Pain in the thoracic spine

Pain in the thoracic spine is often perceived as a pain in the heart or a man waving his hand: "Ah, I just catch a cold, it will go away!" But in fact, the pain in the thoracic spine can be a signal of many diseases that we do not even know about.

Pain in the sternum

Pain in the sternum is most often associated with heart disease. Still: since childhood, we have formed a clear association: the heart is in the chest. But statistics show: chest pain can be associated with cardiovascular disease in only 2% of cases up to 18 years, in 10% of cases up to 30 years and only with age - 50-60 years - these figures are gradually increasing. What are the causes of chest pain?


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