

Back, sides

Pain between ribs

If you are reading this article, it means that you or your friends and relatives are worried about the pain between the ribs. And if this is so, then, without wasting time on the description of the anatomical structure of the chest and its musculoskeletal structure, we proceed directly to the enumeration of all the possible causes that may underlie the above pain.

Pain between the shoulder blades

Complaints about pain between the shoulder blades should never be perceived as an independent disease or as a manifestation of any one type of pathological changes in the musculoskeletal structure of the back in this region. Shoulder bones occupy a sufficiently large area, covering many organs, interacting with a large number of muscles, tendons, joints, taking on the effects of external factors, such as back blows or bruises, weight lifting on the back.

Pain in the muscles of the back

Pain in the back muscles, in some people, can be a consequence of the usual physical fatigue, a long stay in an uncomfortable, or as the physiologists say, in an unnatural physiological posture.

Back pain

Back pain is a broad category of symptoms that can indicate completely different diseases. Statistics say that almost 75% of the inhabitants of the planet are familiar with the pain in the back, the age category of those suffering from back pain is not limited by any numbers.

Pain in the intercostal space

Pain in the intercostal space is the main symptom of intercostal neuralgia that arises from the compression of the intercostal nerves. The development of the disease is most often due to the presence of osteochondrosis.

Pain in the left side during pregnancy

Pain in the left side during pregnancy should immediately alert the woman, as the cause of such pain can be a huge number of diseases.

Pain in the left scapula

Pain in the left scapula often, but not always, is a consequence of a disease like osteochondrosis, as many believe. To establish the exact diagnosis by means of available analyzes and indications of the patient even to the skilled or experienced doctor often it is possible not from the first attempt.

Pain in the left kidney

It is quite difficult to diagnose pain in the left kidney, since it can easily be confused with pain arising in the large intestine or spleen located on the left side of the body.

Pain in the lower back

Pain in the lower back is perhaps one of the most common health problems caused by technological advances and computerization. A characteristic feature of modern patients is their age: painful sensations in the back are increasingly complained not so much by older people as by teenagers and people 30-50 years old who spend a lot of time sitting at the computer.

Back pain in children

Back pain in children often centers in the lower back. Such a pain syndrome often happens in young children, but more widespread among adolescents, especially among those who are actively involved in sports.


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