

Review and facts about osteoarthritis

The role of biomechanical factors in the pathogenesis of osteoarthritis

The results of a number of epidemiological studies have shown that occupations associated with prolonged repeated use of certain joint groups are associated with a high risk of osteoarthritis.

Experimental modeling of osteoarthritis in animals

It should be remembered that osteoarthritis is a disease of not one tissue - articular cartilage, but all tissues of the affected joint, including the subchondral bone, the synovial membrane, menisci, ligaments, periarticular muscles and afferent nerves, the end of which lie both outside and inside the joint capsule.

Experimental models of osteoarthritis

In vitro studies also provide an opportunity to study the behavior of chondrocytes in osteoarthritis. Cartilage is a highly specialized tissue containing only one type of cells (chondrocytes), characterized by the absence of blood and lymphatic vessels.

What is osteoarthritis?

Osteoarthritis (OA) is a chronic progressive noninflammatory disease of synovial joints of various etiologies, characterized by articular cartilage degeneration, structural changes in the subchondral bone, and an explicit or hidden synovitis.

Osteoarthritis: how are the articular cartilages arranged?

Normal articular cartilage performs two main functions: the absorption of pressure by deformation during mechanical stress and ensuring the smoothness of articular surfaces, which allows you to minimize friction when moving in the joint.

Osteoarthrosis: how synovial joints are arranged?

Osteoarthritis is a disease of synovial joints (diarthrosis). The main functions of diarthrosis are motor (movement of the joints of the joints along certain axes) and support (load during standing, walking, jumping).

Classification of osteoarthritis

Currently, there is no unified approach to the terminology and classification of osteoarthrosis in world clinical practice.

Epidemiology of osteoarthritis

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system, united in the XIII class of the ICD, are considered throughout the world as one of the most common pathologies of modern society. Among them, osteoarthritis is the most common pathology of synovial joints.

Risk factors and causes of osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis occurs as a result of the interaction of many genetic and environmental (including traumatic) factors. It was the analysis of risk factors for the development of osteoarthritis of various localizations that promoted the concept of heterogeneity of the disease.


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