

Sexually transmitted infections (sexually transmitted diseases)

Diseases characterized by urethritis and cervicitis

Urethritis or inflammation of the urethra, caused by infection, is characterized by purulent-mucous or purulent discharge and burning during urination.

Chlamydial infection (chlamydia)

Chlamydial genital infection is widespread among adolescents and young adults in the United States. Asymptomatic infection occurs in both men and women.

Syphilis during pregnancy

All women in early pregnancy should be screened for syphilis. In populations where optimal prenatal monitoring is not possible, screening with the RPR test and treatment (with positive test results) is performed at the time of pregnancy.

Syphilis in HIV-infected patients

In HIV-infected patients with syphilis, unusual serological reactions are observed. Most reports indicate titres higher than expected, but false negative results and a delay in the manifestation of sero-reactivity have also been reported.

Hidden syphilis

Latent syphilis is defined as the period after infection with T. Pallidum, when the patient has no signs of the disease, but positive serological reactions are observed. Patients with latent syphilis, as well as patients with a duration of disease of no more than 1 year, are classified as patients with early latent syphilis.

Inguinal granuloma (donovanosis): causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Inguinal granuloma - a disease rare in the US, is caused by intracellular gram-negative bacteria Calymmatobacterium granulomatis. This disease is endemic in certain tropical and developing areas, including India, New Guinea, central Australia and southern Africa.

Genital herpes simplex virus infection: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Genital herpes is a recurrent viral disease that does not heal completely. Two serogypes of HSV were identified. HSV-1 and HSV-2; the cause of the majority of cases of recurrent genital herpes is HSV-2. According to serological studies, about 45 million people in the US are infected with HSV-2.

Primary period of syphilis: hard chancre

Primary syphilis is characterized by the development of a solid chancre (ulcus durum, primary syphiloma) at the site of the introduction of pale treponema and regional lymphangitis and lymphadenitis.


Syphilis is a chronic infectious disease transmitted predominantly through sexual intercourse. It is characterized by periodicity of the course and various clinical manifestations.

Secondary syphilis: symptoms

Manifestations of the secondary period of syphilis are characterized by an extraordinary variety of morphological elements, a predominant lesion of the skin, visible mucous membranes and to a lesser extent - changes in the internal organs, nervous system, musculoskeletal system.


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