

Diseases of the teeth (dentistry)

Ulcerative stomatitis

Ulcerative stomatitis is one of the severe forms of inflammation of the internal mucosa of the mouth. At the moment, it is impossible to accurately name the mechanisms and processes in the formation of ulcerative stomatitis modern medical science can not.

Chronic stomatitis

Chronic stomatitis (in the translation from Greek - "mouth") is an inflammation of the oral mucosa, which brings a lot of unpleasant sensations.

Acute stomatitis - what is it and how to fight it?

Acute stomatitis - small ulcers that arise in the oral cavity, accompanied by discomfort and, periodically, painful sensations. Where do they come from on the human body? What are they talking about and how to deal with them?

How to treat pulpitis?

Many people often have a question: "How to treat pulpitis?" We present the main methods of treatment of this frequent dental disease. If the pulpitis of carious etiology is treated by a biological method, this leads to infection of the canals in adults and the formation of a solid and dense deposit associated with irritation of the pulp, which in the future can cause difficulties in the treatment of root canals.

Cyst of the tooth

The tooth cyst is a forced reaction of the body to the attack of a microbial infection in the gingival tissue and the jawbone tissue when the infected area is necrotic and surrounded by a blocking shell.


In the International Histological Classification, cementoma is assigned to tumors originating from the connective tissue of the odontogenic organ.

Pulpitis: Symptoms

Most patients turn to the dentist with complaints about pain in the jaw area. It should be understood that toothache in pulpitis - symptoms that are subjective, despite the fact that in terms of intensity, they can be compared with renal colic. The perception of pain largely depends on the personality of the patient, which makes it difficult to assess objectively.

Pulpitis: treatment

Treatment of pulpitis has two purposes: Eliminate the inflammation of the pulp, and accordingly, pulpitis. Restoration of normal life of the pulp.


Macroheilitis (granulomatous cheilitis Micher) is the leading symptom of the Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome (Rossolimo-Melkersson-Rosenthal). The disease is characterized by a combination of macrochilite, folded tongue and paralysis of the facial nerve. Macroheilitis has a chronic course with alternating periods of exacerbation and remission.


Pulpitis (inflammation of tooth pulp from Latin pulpitis) is a complex vascular, lymphatic and local reaction to the stimulus.


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