

Diseases of children (pediatrics)

Hoarseness of voice in a child

In children, hoarseness of voice occurs much more often than in adults. Consider the main causes of this symptom, types and forms, methods of treatment, prevention.

Rash without itching in a child

In most cases, skin rashes in children cause an itchy sensation, but a rash without itching in a child is also possible. When does it happen, that is, what diseases are accompanied by non-itchy rashes?

What is expressive alalia?

This disorder manifests itself in the fact that children who understand speech experience difficulties with active oral statements and expressions (in Latin - expressio), that is, in a persistent violation of the assimilation of the system of language units of colloquial speech.

Speech of a child with alalia

In children, a systemic delay in the development of speech, as one of the highest mental functions of the brain, is called alalia, which can be motor (expressive), sensory (impressive) or mixed - sensorimotor. How is the speech of children with alalia different?

Itching in the anus in a child

It is impossible to ignore the itching in the anus, since this or that problem clearly lies behind it. It is not worth diagnosing and treating yourself, first of all you need to see a doctor and undergo an examination.

Neuroblastoma in children: causes, diagnosis, treatment

In pediatric oncology, one of the most common extracranial neoplasms is neuroblastoma in children, which refers to malignant embryonic tumors from neural crest neuroblasts, that is, germinal (immature) nerve cells of the sympathetic nervous system. 

Spasmophilia in children

In pediatrics, a pathological tendency to involuntary muscle spasms and spontaneous convulsions - tetany (from the Greek tetanos - convulsion), caused by increased neuromuscular excitability in violation of calcium metabolism in the body, is often defined as spasmophilia in children.

Increased red blood cells in the urine of a child: what does it mean?

An increased content of red blood cells in the urine of children is hematuria. Normally, in a general analysis, they are not detected or the detected amount is not more than 1-2 elements in the field of view.


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