
Apples for type 1 and type 2 diabetes

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 30.09.2022

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Healthy people never doubt whether or not to eat apples. Familiar from childhood, fruits grow in every garden, are sold in every market, and therefore are considered something familiar and self-evident - like air, sunlight or rain. Apples in diabetes raise questions, and each diabetic must answer them for himself.

What apples can be eaten with diabetes?

Vegetable food is necessary for everyone, regardless of the state of health. Unfortunately, not all fruits are useful for diabetics among all the fruit variety. You have to look for the golden mean, so as not to limit yourself too much, but also not to harm your health. Apples for diabetes, along with citrus fruits, peaches, pears, are included in the list of permitted fruits, and this is the principled position of nutritionists.

  • Having solved the main question, the patient is faced with the following: are all apples equally useful? What are the best apples for diabetes? Does the variety, color, chemical composition matter?

Apples, along with other plant foods, are present in diabetic diets of patients with both types of the disease. The conditions for their use are as follows:

  • eat in limited quantities (1 fruit per day);
  • take unsweetened, green;
  • the smaller the patient's weight, the smaller the apple;
  • baked goods are used to replace useless sweets;
  • an apple in light salads is a healthy snack or dessert.

With the right dosage, apples bring only benefits to a diabetic. They are rich in substances that support immunity, improve blood circulation, have a positive effect on digestion, relieve fatigue and cheer up a person. Apples are a useful alternative to fatty confectionery, with them the body receives a number of essential minerals, pectins, and vitamins. 

Apples are also a good source of antioxidants. Compared to many other commonly consumed fruits in the United States, apples have the second highest level of antioxidant activity. [1] Apples also ranked second in total concentration of phenolic compounds, and perhaps more importantly, apples had the highest proportion of free phenols compared to other fruits. [2]

Not only can apples help reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer, and asthma, apple consumption may also be associated with a lower risk of diabetes. In a previously discussed Finnish study of 10,000 people, a reduction in the risk of type II diabetes was associated with apple consumption. [3]A higher intake of quercetin, the main component of apple peel, has also been associated with a reduced risk of type II diabetes. 


The diet of a diabetic is compiled in such a way that it contains all the nutrients, a stable sugar level is maintained, and sharp fluctuations in the key indicator are not allowed. Indications for the appointment of certain products depend mainly on the nature and type of the disease.

  • Restrictions apply to animal fats. Carbohydrates must be present constantly, in the form of a variety of dietary products.

Apples for diabetes are shown unsweetened, in small quantities, to balance the carbohydrate balance. They supply vitamins, fiber, microelements, strengthen blood vessels and defenses, enrich the diet due to their freshness and pleasant taste.

According to new data, the information that diabetics need green varieties of apples seems to be outdated. And that the sugar content depends on the degree of maturity and size of the apple no less than on the variety. So when you include these fruits in the menu, it is better to consult a doctor to find out his competent opinion on this matter.

Apples for type 2 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is called non-insulin dependent. In this form, insulin is present in the body, but there is no possibility of its transportation to sugars. This is a somewhat simplified diagram, but easy to understand the process. Diet, including apples for type 2 diabetes, serves to correct glucose levels. The daily norm of fruits depends on the total amount of carbohydrates and the perception of the product by the body.

  • It is usually recommended to eat one apple a day for diabetes.

When buying them, pay attention to the variety, size, aroma, skin condition. Recently, they write that the best for diabetics are green varieties, usually less sweet than red ones. But this is not an indisputable fact: there are exceptions. According to other information, the amount of sugar in fruits of different colors differs insignificantly, and from experience we know that red apples are also sour.

  • Do not take apples that are rotten, too soft or hard, shriveled, sticky.

All this is typical for fruits of poor quality and poorly stored. It is unlikely that an apple with a wormhole, supposedly indicating its ecological purity, will be tasty. Perhaps it really has fewer chemicals, but the taste and shelf life of such fruits leave much to be desired.

Apples for type 1 diabetes

An important component that determines the value of apples in type 1 diabetes is fiber. It serves to lower cholesterol levels and can slow down the absorption of glucose into the blood. The whole fruit consists of useful substances, including the peel and even the seeds - a source of iodine, which is extremely important for the body. However, this does not mean that they should be eaten as much as you like.

  • No, because the seeds contain a poison called cyanide. A 100-gram serving of such seeds leads to fatal poisoning. And although no one consumes them in such quantities, the norm is set: no more than 6 pieces per day.

Insulin-dependent type of diabetes involves the mandatory balancing of the diet. In the past, people with diabetes were very dependent on strict diets due to insulin deficiency and underdeveloped treatments. Now doctors know how to make balanced diets, taking into account food preferences, so apples in diabetes have ceased to be a forbidden fruit. These include only products that sharply increase sugar, because jumps are dangerous for the patient.

  • Apples, due to the abundance of fiber, are not a critical product, on the contrary, they enrich the body with healthy carbohydrates, which are essential for every person.

Without their supply, insulin can excessively lower glucose levels, and this is fraught with new problems. To prevent them, there is a diet, timely consumption of food and, if necessary, medications.

Apples for gestational diabetes

Gestational diabetes is called an increase in glucose levels in pregnant women. This condition occurs in 4% of expectant mothers, in the last trimester of pregnancy they are included in the risk group for this factor. Glucose in the blood exceeds the norm, but not as critical as in true diabetes. However, this does not mean that the problem can be hushed up or ignored. In no case, because the consequences of inactivity can be tragically reflected in the fetus! Let us dwell in more detail on the place in the diet of apples in pregnant women with diabetes.

  • Half of the daily diet in this variant of diabetes is carbohydrates.

They are saturated with sweet food, which is contraindicated for pregnant women. Instead, the menu includes vegetables, cereals, legumes, black bread. Apples with gestational diabetes are included in the diet, but exclusively acidic varieties, along with strawberries, raspberries, grapefruits, plums, pears, gooseberries, and currants. Sweet fruits, along with bananas, grapes, melons, figs, persimmons, are on the list of prohibited foods.

Apples will be useful if a woman is able to organize the right diet. It should be fractional: 3 main and 3 intermediate doses, the so-called snack, drinking about 2 liters of fluid per day. Apples are taken as a snack and addition to dinner.

Caloric content is calculated depending on body weight: 35–40 kcal/kg. In one dose, carbohydrate and protein products are not combined.


Apples contain approximately 85% liquid, the rest is solid components, in particular fiber. Chemically, apples consist of trace elements, vitamins, pectin. Sugar occupies low places in their ranking: the average fruit contains about 20 g, and in green varieties it is even less.

  • It is because of the sweet ingredient that the question of apples in diabetes arises, in other cases inappropriate. After all, the benefits of the most popular fruit among all kinds of fruits are beyond doubt.

Apples dull the appetite, promote the digestion of foods, cleanse cholesterol, and strengthen the immune system. Despite the increased amount of glucose, they are useful for diabetics to prevent capillary fragility. Green varieties with a sour taste are more acceptable: they are considered to have fewer carbohydrates.

The limitation concerns the quantity: up to 2 medium fruits per day is enough. It is advisable not to eat large apples whole at once, so as not to provoke a surge in sugar. It is better to divide into two doses, with some interval. Recommended varieties are white filling, Semerenko, Antonovka, Pink Lady, Granny Smith.

People with diabetes can be advised two things: do not eat anything without consulting your doctor. (If apples are not included in the diet, then it is obviously in vain to expect any benefits from them.) And after getting permission, find out how apples work for you personally. For this purpose, measure glucose levels before and after eating the fruit. The indicators will show whether you can safely eat your favorite fruit without risking harm to the body.

Baked apples for diabetes

Fresh apples for diabetes are useful if neither quantity nor sweetness is abused. Under such conditions, they show all their beneficial properties and do not increase blood sugar. Regarding processed fruits, not everything is clear. For example, dried apple fruits and jams are not so desirable on the table of a diabetic, since they contain an increased amount of sweet ingredients.

  • However, there is an excellent alternative to fill the menu of the sweet tooth: baked apples for diabetes.

This is a very healthy dish that retains the best properties, and for digestion it is even more pleasant than fresh fruits. Apples look and smell appetizing, have a pleasant taste, they successfully replace cakes and sweets that are undesirable in the diet of a diabetic.

  • The pectin contained in the fruit satisfies hunger, removes toxic substances, and lowers insulin levels.

To cleanse the body of poisons accumulated during the day, it is enough to eat one baked fruit in the evening. In general, it is allowed to consume no more than 2 sour apples per day, usually green shades. They eat them with a peel, and after eating they control the sugar level - in order to know how the dish affects a particular patient.

Baked apple recipes can be complicated: stuffed with matching ingredients - cottage cheese with dried apricots, nuts, raisins, eggs, cinnamon, stevia. It is better to bake greenish fruits with a hard peel (Semerenko varieties, white filling).

Dried apples for diabetes

Almost all dried fruits retain vitamins and minerals found in fresh products. Their use by diabetics depends on the level of the glycemic index and the amount of harmful saccharides. They are used for snacking, cooking uzvar, vegetable stew, baked meat.

  • Dried apples for diabetes are on the list of allowed foods, although some authors consider all dried fruits to be harmful, arguing their opinion with high concentrations of sugars.

Nevertheless, apples for diabetes in the form of dry slices, combined with prunes or dried apricots, make it possible to refresh, enrich the blood with components that are especially useful for the diabetic organism.

  • A diabetic diet takes into account not only the benefits of food, but also the balance of nutrients.

The safe dose also depends on the acid content of the dried fruit. If the acidity of the stomach is normal, then additional acids are not terrible. At elevated pH, the opposite is true: sour dried apples become a source of excess acids, which in this case is unsafe.

Drying compote is prepared after pre-soaking the raw materials and draining the liquid twice after boiling. Then water is poured again and finally the uzvar is boiled with a sugar substitute, cinnamon added for taste.

Dry apple slices are also healthier for diabetics after soaking in hot water for 8 hours. During this time, the water is changed several times, and then softened apple slices are eaten with pleasure and benefit.

Green apples for diabetes

Fresh fruits, including apples, in diabetes are beneficial as a source of vitamin and mineral complex, polysaccharides, fructose, acids, tannins. These substances are useful for everyone, but for diabetics they play a special role. So, vitamins strengthen the vascular system, which is especially vulnerable in diabetes, and plant fibers absorb excess sugars.

  • The optimal variety is green apples for diabetes. In their favor speaks less, compared with sweet red varieties, the amount of sugar.

Although, if you look meticulously, the sweetness of apples is not directly related to the shade of the peel. Grade is not only color, but also other factors. Moreover, a whole gamut ripens in domestic gardens: yellow, pink, almost white, spotty-striped, orange-colored fruits.

  • The varieties most suitable for diabetics are Granny Smith, Semerenko, Golden Rangers, Antonovka, the most popular white filling.

The best apples are fresh. It is advisable not to mix them with other products: this combination loads the pancreas.

Dried fruits from green apples are suitable for compote. The concentration of sugar in them is several times higher than in fresh fruits, and this is fraught with an increase in the glucometer. Water dilutes the concentration to quite safe levels.

  • The best option is soaked fruit. They retain the entire set of vitamins with a reduced glycemic index.

Stewed or baked fruits are especially useful for diabetics with digestive problems.

Jams, marmalades, jams are used to urgently increase sugar levels in insulin-dependent diabetics. A portion of the sweet drug quickly acts in case of hypoglycemia, restores the normal state and well-being of a person.

Self-cooked fresh, without any sweet additives, is allowed in a minimum volume: up to half a glass. Or a full glass diluted with water.

  • Industrial drinks are always too sweet, and this is the danger for every diabetic.

Apples are also used for diet baking, fruit salads, desserts, and stuffing. All this is tasty and healthy, but when eating such food, do not forget to control its amount so that the glucometer indicator “does not swing” to a dangerous limit.

Apples Antonovka

People with diabetes have to be especially picky with fruit products. With the undoubted usefulness of all fruits, not all of them are equally well perceived by the sick organism. Even apples in diabetes should be chosen meticulously, taking into account the variety, quality, degree of maturity, presentation. Because a wonderful, affordable, familiar fruit from childhood can not only give food pleasure, but also harm the body.

  • Antonovka apples belong to varieties recommended for diabetics.

Rich taste, low percentage of sugar and calorie content, an abundance of vitamins and pectins make them very appropriate in the diet of people with metabolic disorders, in particular, glucose absorption. In addition to fresh, soaked fruits are useful.

In favor of Antonovka, it is recommended that the first feeding of a baby be started with the fruits of this particular variety. And the use of apples by pregnant women ensures the prevention of allergic and asthmatic attacks in a newborn.

  • There is also a reverse side of the coin. Any fruit can become harmful if abused or eaten at the wrong time.

So, the digestive tract does not perceive Antonovka on an empty stomach, and tooth enamel can deteriorate with organic acids present in apples. To prevent this, every time after eating apples, the mouth should be rinsed with water.

The bones of this, like other varieties, contain not only useful iodine, but also substances that secrete poisonous hydrocyanic acid in the stomach. In order to avoid poisoning, you should not get carried away with bones: the maximum safe dose is 6 pieces.

Apples are not recommended for bloating, with ulcers and some other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Apples White filling

The white filling variety is one of the earliest. Sweet and sour taste, soft peel, delicate aroma of apples ripening in the middle of summer make them unique among the variety of varieties: multi-colored, with a whole range of taste and color. It is with them that the apple season begins in our latitudes.

  • The pulp of apples is white, loose, fine-grained in appearance. The name arose in connection with the specific whitish shade of fully ripened fruits.

Pleasant sourness and vitamin benefits of the variety are due to the abundance of ascorbic acid. Thanks to apples, immunity is strengthened, protection against infectious diseases. Insoluble fibers cleanse the intestines and the body as a whole, normalize cholesterol. The antioxidant quercetin resists the damaging effects of free radicals.

  • The most delicious fruits are taken directly from the apple tree. But this opportunity is rare.

Basically, apples for diabetes are purchased purchased. They are cut into pieces for desserts or salads, baked whole, used for compotes, dried for uzvar. Filling for baking is prepared from white filling, marinated and salted for the winter, processed into jam, jam, wine, juice.

  • Juicy sourish white fruit is a great snack. Baked fruit serve as an afternoon snack or late dinner. Suitable for diabetics and pickled apples.

Dried apple fruits, jams, syrups, industrial juices should not appear on the menu of a diabetic: they contain too much sugar, which is unhealthy.

What can and what can not?

What can you eat?

An apple is one of the safest and most familiar fruits. People of any age eat them with pleasure, and even patients who have undergone surgery resume their diet with the help of apples - albeit baked ones. Apples are definitely useful in such a specific disease as diabetes mellitus. Nutritionists give their recommendations regarding the method and amount of fruit in the diet of a diabetic.

Apples for diabetes will be most useful if:

  • eat them whole;
  • one medium apple per reception;
  • distribute the intake evenly throughout the day;
  • do not use canned juice, processed and dried fruits.

The answer to the question “What can I eat?”, in addition to apples, will help a doctor who is aware of your health status and relevant dietary requirements. A unique diet for you will not deteriorate qualitatively if some ingredients are replaced with analogues. The main thing is that the total and the number of critical components, that is, sugar, does not increase.

In short, it doesn't matter what kind of product will be the source of carbohydrates; their weight in the overall structure of the diet is important. From the fruit and berry group, permitted sources include grapefruits, oranges, strawberries, cherries, peaches, pears, plums, blueberries, kiwi.

What can't be eaten?

Diet is an important part of the lifestyle of people with diabetes. A lot needs to be abandoned, a lot needs to be changed, but this is within the power of everyone who wants to live fully and positively. At first, a diabetic often faces the question “What can not be eaten?”, And the attending physician is obliged to answer him.

In particular, there are questions about the acceptability of fruits, which tend to contain sweet components that affect blood counts. Answers should be sought separately for each fruit. In particular, apples for diabetes are a kind of compromise between the undoubted benefits and potential harm, which can become real if they are used improperly.

Important components for a diabetic are found both in the pulp and in the peel. These are microelements, pectins, vitamins, acids, antioxidants.

  • Nutritionists welcome fresh, baked, soaked fruits, they are wary of dried fruits, more precisely, their quantity and method of use, and they strongly reject preserves.

Dried ones are best used for unsweetened uzvar, just as you should not sweeten compote made from fresh fruits.

As for juices, they are also banned, especially canned ones: they always have a lot of sugar. Fresh juices made from own fruits are allowed - in a small volume, preferably diluted with water.


Any fruit with uncontrolled use can increase blood sugar. Apples for diabetes are no exception. Patients should follow the diet prescribed by the doctor, and deny themselves them if there are contraindications. Health is worth it.

  • If we are talking about apples, then these are not only fresh fruits.

Unsweetened compote, baked apples are quite diet food. But jams and dried fruits, where too much sugar is concentrated, are recommended to be excluded from the diabetic diet.

Possible risks

The correct organization of the regimen, based on the principles of healthy eating, helps to reduce the risks associated with the diet. Everything, as in healthy people, but with the control of sugar levels. A balanced diet makes it possible to avoid critical situations, up to a diabetic coma.

Apples in diabetes can and should be consumed, and not necessarily green. Modern nutritionists recommend trusting your taste and believe that the concentration of sugar depends mainly on the maturity of the fruit, and not just on the color or variety.


In diabetes, it is important to keep the process under control in order to prevent possible complications. Among a number of points on how to do this, an important place is occupied by a healthy diet that meets the needs of the body of a diabetic. Apples in diabetes are usually included in the diet and, when used correctly, do not cause complications.

Complications arise in the presence of concomitant problems, in particular, various pathologies of the digestive organs, in which apples are not recommended.

Detailed menu for every day

The main restriction in diabetes are foods high in sugar: honey, sweet berries, fruits, cakes, sweets. Traditionally, spicy, fatty, fried foods are not recommended.

  • When calculating a detailed menu for each day, it is necessary to pay attention to the presence of other pathologies, age, physical activity of the patient.

To maintain normal health and performance, a person has to take insulin in the optimal dosage. Lack or excess of the hormone provoke deterioration and complications.

  • Nutritionists offer lists of allowed and prohibited foods to diabetics.

Apples for diabetes are included in the first list, but, as a rule, with some conditions. Individual diets may vary slightly, but general recommendations for apples are as follows:

  • Eat no more than one fruit per day, medium in size.
  • Choose ripe, fresh, healthy apples.
  • Preference - sour varieties, usually green, grown in the private sector.
  • In addition to fresh ones, include baked apples, fruit and snack salads with apples, compotes and sugar-free uzvars in the menu.
  • Do not buy industrial juices, jams, jams with a high percentage of sweet ingredients.
  • The best time for apples is second breakfast or dinner.

Dish recipes

The classic version of apples for diabetes is baked. The dish is prepared quickly and easily. Apples do not need to be peeled, it is enough to take out the middle. Instead, place cottage cheese mixed with eggs, ground nuts, cinnamon. Someone likes to add various berries. Bake apples in the oven, readiness is determined by softness.

  • Since jams and jams are not recommended for diabetics, mashed potatoes are prepared for the winter.

The pulp, cleaned of all excess, is cut into pieces, sugar, water are added to the bottom of the pan and boiled while stirring. The soft mass is placed in jars for sterilization.

Apple recipes include more than just sweet ingredients. Snack salads with the inclusion of apples have a piquant taste and lightness. An example of a salad: grated apples, green onions, nettles, seasoned with sour cream. Or grated apples, horseradish, celery, watered with curdled milk.

Undeservedly forgotten soaked apples are distinguished by their special taste and benefits. The original recipes, with ingredients as exotic for today as rye straw, are probably lost, but they are successfully replaced by existing products.

  • They take hard winter apples, an oak barrel or an ordinary glass jar, cover the bottom with currant leaves, put two rows of fruits on them.

Cover them with mint, then spread the apples again. Top tightly covered with currants and poured with brine: for 1 liter of warm boiled water - 15 g of salt, 20 g of honey, 10 g of rye flour.


There are no negative reviews about apples. Some authors refer to the English proverb that just one apple prolongs youth and saves a person from going to doctors. There are other “flattering” comments, but seriously speaking, only the attending physician should recommend (or not) apples for diabetes.


Vegetables and fruits with a large amount of vegetable fiber are always appropriate in the diet of a person who cares about a healthy diet. However, it is difficult to measure the specific results of their use according to medical indications and recommendations. One thing is certain: apples in diabetes should be eaten as much as the daily allowance of sugar allows. On average, it is 1-2 pieces.

Diet is often associated with something bland and tasteless. Plant foods and fruits for dessert make a complete and tasty meal. Practice shows that apples in diabetes in an acceptable dosage are not harmful; on the contrary, favorite fruits diversify the diet, supply carbohydrates and natural vitamins, and provide food pleasure.

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