
Norm of milk during breastfeeding

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 01.08.2022

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Breast milk from a nursing woman is almost never the same: it can be both liquid and thick, both bluish and yellowish, with different percentages of fat and protein. Why is this happening, and is there a certain norm of milk during breastfeeding? Do I need to regularly monitor its quality, and in what situations should I be worried?

Indeed, breast milk never looks the same: its composition can change not only throughout the day, but also during one feeding, and also as the child grows and develops. Everything you need to know about such changes and about the composition of mother's milk in general, we will present in this material.

Milk color while breastfeeding

Breast milk most often has a yellowish or bluish tint, and sometimes even greenish and pinkish-orange (if the nursing mother consumes foods with dyes, fresh herbs, etc.). Such changes in the appearance of milk do not affect its quality in any way and are not a cause for concern.

Color can change even during one feeding - this is also normal, since there are such concepts as fore (near) and hind (far) milk:

  • in the anterior portion, normally there is always more water, but the concentration of nutrients is less;
  • in the back portion, the concentration of useful components and fats is large - and this is also the norm.

Clear milk during breastfeeding is most often found just in the front portion, which the baby consumes at the initial stage of feeding. In fact, with this portion, the child quenches not so much hunger as thirst. Already after a few minutes of “drinking”, the “supply” of hind milk begins: it is especially nutritious and even thick, therefore it serves as a complete food for the baby. If a woman often shifts the baby from one breast to another, then he may never get to the back portion, having drunk the front, less concentrated milk. As a result, weight gain may be insufficient, and the child himself will be more capricious (in other words, he will be constantly hungry).

To prevent this, you need to make sure that the baby not only drinks, but also eats: yellowish hind milk during breastfeeding is essential for the full growth and development of the baby, as it is more concentrated and nutritious.[1]

Rarely, mothers note a pinkish or brownish milky hue. In most cases, this situation is also a variant of the norm, since such a color is caused by a small amount of blood entering the product - for example, from damaged skin in the nipple area. When defending such milk, blood particles, as a rule, settle to the bottom. Therefore, the baby can be fed with a expressed and settled product, or fed, as always, from the chest: such color changes will not bring any harm to the baby.

Lack of milk while breastfeeding baby

By what criteria does a woman usually conclude that she does not have enough breast milk? Most often we are talking about such signs:

  • a nursing mother does not feel the fullness of the breast;
  • it is practically impossible to express milk, or its volume is very small;
  • the baby asks for breasts too often;
  • the baby “throws” the breast, cries, takes it again and “throws” again.

It is worth noting that none of these criteria is a reliable symptom of a lack of milk. For an objective assessment, you need to pay attention to other signs:

  • correct attachment of the baby to the breast;
  • frequency and duration of feeding;
  • the presence of a feeding regimen, or feeding on demand;
  • periodic use of bottles (with water, with a mixture), frequent use of pacifiers.

If the baby grasps the nipple incorrectly, then this directly affects the quality of suction, and the milk will flow to the child in a limited amount: hence it turns out that there seems to be milk, and the baby is hungry.

The constant use of a pacifier or a bottle can cause the baby to find the shape of the mother's nipple less comfortable and harder to suck from than the bottle. As a result - constant spitting of the breast, short episodes of absorption of mother's milk, up to the refusal of breastfeeding. Many mothers do not understand what is the matter, and think that the baby simply does not like milk, or he does not get enough of it: therefore, questions arise regarding the norm of milk during breastfeeding.[2]

Another thing is if lactation is really insufficient: such a problem must and can be solved.

Why is there not enough milk when breastfeeding? Not only the features of the diet, but also other factors can inhibit its production:

  • fears, anxiety, depression, fatigue (internal tension and muscle spasms prevent normal milk flow);
  • long intervals between feedings (more than 2.5 hours).

Some women think that milk will be better and more nutritious if it is “stored” in the breast. This is not so: such an approach can only lead to a gradual loss of milk. It is recommended to feed frequently, and the remaining milk in the breast should be expressed. The formula here is simple: the more it goes down, the more it comes.

Signs of not getting enough milk while breastfeeding

If it seems to you that the baby is constantly hungry because he does not have enough milk, then you should not panic. First, excessive anxiety can lead to even greater milk deficiency. And secondly, lactation can be brought back to normal and even restored after an almost complete cessation.[3]

What needs to be done first? You need to make sure that the baby is really not getting enough milk. To do this, evaluate the presence of such negative signs:

  • the number of urination in a child is less than 10-12 times a day, while the urine has a pronounced yellow tint and a concentrated smell;
  • the baby has a tendency to constipation - defecation occurs once every 2-3 days or less;
  • feces are dense, dark, sometimes with mucus;
  • the child is capricious, does not sleep well, can wake up every 15-30 minutes;
  • weight gain during the week is less than 120 g (meaning the first month of life if the child was born weighing more than 3 kg);
  • monthly weight gain is less than 600 g.

All of these signs of deviation from the norm are valid if the baby is exclusively breastfed, without “additional feeding” with mixtures and “drinking” with water.

What to do if there is not enough milk while breastfeeding?

The main thing that a specialist will advise a woman with an insufficient norm of milk is to increase the rest period, be less nervous and eat varied. You can also add plenty of fluids to your diet.

It is important not to get hung up on the problem - especially since it often turns out to be far-fetched. The less the mother is nervous and worried, the better lactation proceeds. No need to try to constantly control the process of milk formation and feeding, because as a result, the body releases stress hormones that can reduce lactation to virtually zero.

It can often be observed that the deterioration of milk production is associated with the banal improper attachment of the baby. If the baby does not grasp the area of the nipple enough, then he sucks out relatively little milk, despite the fact that he sucks for a long time. If the attachment is correct, then, firstly, the baby sucks out a sufficient milk volume in a short time, and secondly, the nipples are additionally stimulated, which potentiates the function of the mammary glands. As a result, there is more milk.

In addition, how to stimulate milk production while breastfeeding? The best way to ensure the norm is to feed the baby "on demand". Today, perhaps, all mothers know what this concept means. You just need to trust the child: he himself will tell you when to feed, in what volumes, for how long, etc. You should not think that the baby will overeat or undereat: as for nutrition, here the child's body is able to control its needs from birth. And one more thing: you can not try to immediately get rid of night feedings. It is the nocturnal “approaches” that most of all activate milk production, since just at night the lactation hormone, prolactin, is synthesized.[4]

Let's summarize how to increase milk supply while breastfeeding:

  • whenever possible, try to rest, sleep, relax;
  • make sure that the attachment of the baby to the breast is correct;
  • practice feeding "on demand", not forgetting the night period.

The following fact should be remembered: the more often the baby will be applied, the better. Under certain conditions, you can additionally use a breast pump - for example, in order to express milk remaining in the breast after feeding.

It is not difficult to establish lactation and increase breast milk production: the main condition is not to worry, and then everything will turn out in the most optimal way.

How to increase milk while breastfeeding with alternative means?

For a long time, women have resorted to alternative medicine recipes to improve the quality and increase the volume of breast milk. Do not forget about such recipes now. However, we must not forget: you can use these funds only with full confidence that the mother and the child are not allergic to the components used.

  • A decoction of dill, an infusion of dill seed or fennel, fennel oil - these products are safe and affordable, they have a positive effect on the composition of the mother's "product". The simplest and most common recipe is considered to be this: grind dill seeds in a coffee grinder, pour boiling water (1 tbsp. Seed per 200 ml of boiling water), insist under the lid for six minutes, filter and drink throughout the day in small sips.
  • Walnuts are one of the most beneficial foods for lactation. However, you need to be careful with nuts, as they can cause a severe allergic reaction. If no allergies are found (both in mother and baby), then this recipe can be used: 300 ml of milk is brought to a boil, poured into a thermos, pour a handful of chopped walnuts into the same place. Withstand 2-3 hours, filter and drink a little during the day. If, after taking this remedy, the baby has stool disorders, colic, skin rash, red spots on the body, cough, then the use of the drug is stopped.
  • Broccoli - this vegetable is recommended to be added to the diet of all nursing mothers. Broccoli will provide mother and baby with the necessary vitamins and minerals, help a woman recover faster after childbirth, improve the function of the endocrine system, and stimulate lactation processes. It is recommended to add broccoli to the menu in the form of soups, stews or baked vegetables.

What a nursing mother should not do is overeat. Many are mistaken in believing that increased consumption of food will lead to an increase in milk production. This is not so, and even vice versa: overeating will lead to disruption of normal metabolic processes, nutrients will not be fully absorbed, and the quality of milk will only suffer. It is better to eat right, in small portions, but often - for example, every 2.5 or 3 hours.

How to increase milk flow while breastfeeding? To do this, you need to apply the baby more often for feeding, as well as establish your own drinking regimen. Of course, it is optimal to drink ordinary drinking water, without gas and additives. However, the use of such drinks is also welcome:

  • weak green tea;
  • fruit, berry compote (can be made from dried fruits), fruit drink;
  • special herbal teas to enhance milk production (with anise, lemon balm, cumin, dill, etc.);
  • fresh juices of own preparation;
  • oatmeal jelly.

In any pharmacy, you can also purchase special herbal preparations and teas - for example, Hipp tea, Laktavit, Grandmother's basket enhances milk production. In addition, there are special dietary supplements and multivitamin preparations for lactating women: they are selected exclusively on the recommendations of a doctor. Especially popular are homeopathic remedies that act on the cause of the problem, calming the nervous system, eliminating tension and spasms. Such drugs include Mlekoin and Pulsatill, known to many mothers.[5]

How to improve milk quality while breastfeeding?

Nutritionists went to meet nursing mothers and identified a number of products that should be included in the diet in order to make milk more useful, saturated with vitamin and mineral components. These are the products:

  • cereals (ideally - buckwheat and oatmeal);
  • eggs, salmon fish;
  • boiled and baked fruits;
  • nuts (provided there is no allergy);
  • honey (in the absence of allergies);
  • berries.

Mayonnaise and vinegar, any smoked products, most spices and seasonings, horseradish and mustard, white sugar, carbonated water, semi-finished products and synthetic products (snacks, chips, sweets, margarine) negatively affect the composition of milk.

How to increase the fat content of milk while breastfeeding?

If there are doubts about the degree of milk fat content, then there is a way to check its percentage without leaving home. Perhaps the resulting indicator will not be exceptionally accurate, but it will give a general idea of the percentage presence of fat.

It should immediately be noted that the range of 3.6-4.6% is recognized as the statistical norm for the fat content of breast milk. But even going beyond this norm - in one direction or another - will not show the true picture, since, as we have already said, fat content can change even during one feeding. Every mother should understand: the baby itself becomes the main indicator of high-quality breast milk. That is, if the child is sufficiently saturated, adequately gains in height and weight, does not experience health problems, then this means that the milk is normal, capable of providing everything necessary.

If the mother is still eager to find out the approximate degree of fat content of the infant "food", then this can be done without leaving home. You should take an ordinary test tube, pour a little expressed milk (not front!) into it so that the height of the liquid is 10 cm. Next, the test tube should be left for 5-6 hours in a room with room temperature. During this time, the product will be divided into layers, while the top will be fat. The indicated top layer should simply be measured with a ruler or centimeter tape: the number of measured millimeters will become the fat percentage in milk.

What increases the fat content of milk during breastfeeding? Doctors say that you should not worry about the norm and try to influence this indicator in different ways, since such manipulations do not have much meaning. And the point is not that it is impossible to increase fat content - the figure can be raised to 6 or even 7%, but the baby will not become more satisfying because of this, since it will take no more than 4% from milk. The rest of the amount will remain “with the woman”, or rather, with her figure.

Experts are sure that all that a mother’s increased consumption of fatty foods can give is her own excess weight and a change in the fat composition of breast milk. As a result, the product will become too thick, the risk of developing lactostasis will increase, it will become more difficult for the baby to suck (up to the baby's refusal from the breast).[6]

Doctors advise: do not experiment with norms and diets, do not listen to the old recommendations to eat a lot of fatty, dairy and sweet foods. The only reasonable way to increase the quantity and quality of milk, to bring it back to normal, is frequent attachment of the baby and periodic pumping. If you follow this advice, then the milk will be updated more often, and its production will increase.

Products that increase the fat content of milk while breastfeeding

Whether it's good or bad, old old stereotypes are firmly "sit" in all parental generations. It has long been believed that the use of fatty foods, condensed milk, etc. Improves the quality and enhances the nutritional value of breast milk. “A young mother should eat everything and in large quantities, for two,” almost all women have heard such phrases. However, recent scientific studies convincingly prove that the quality of breast milk, if any, depends on the mother's dietary preferences, then very little. The fact presented by scientists sounds something like this: all the components necessary for the baby, such as proteins, fats and carbohydrates, he gets not so much from the maternal diet, but from the resources of the woman's body. And only the vitamin part is largely dependent on the food consumed - for example, B-group vitamins, vitamin D and ascorbic acid, as well as iron, calcium and zinc, enter milk from food.

Fat content and amount of milk mainly depends on the needs of the baby. Sounds unbelievable? In fact, the less often the mother breastfeeds the baby, and the less time the baby spends at the breast (that is, the less milk is consumed), the less it is produced. And vice versa, the more often and more the child eats, the more the production of an important product increases, and the fatter it becomes. Experts are unanimous: to increase the amount and fat content of breast milk, there is no need to revise the maternal diet.

So what happens: no changes in nutrition need to be made? It is necessary, since the diet of a nursing mother should consist of healthy, hypoallergenic and easily digestible food. These are pursued by the following goals:

  • mother's nutrition should not cause allergies in the baby;
  • the child needs to receive vitamins and minerals in full;
  • the baby should not have problems with digestion and the functioning of the nervous system.

How to increase the nutritional value of milk during breastfeeding, improve its vitamin and mineral composition? You can add the following products to the menu:

  • seeds, walnut or hazelnut (provided that the baby is not allergic);
  • a variety of cereals, cereals (with constipation in a child, it is necessary to limit the consumption of rice by a nursing mother);
  • dairy products;
  • salmon fish;
  • raisin;
  • greenery;
  • broccoli, carrots, other vegetables, stewed or steamed;
  • baked and fresh fruits (for example, apples, pears), berries (provided there is no allergy);
  • vegetable oils;
  • hard cheeses.

The increase in milk lactation during breastfeeding is also associated with the total daily fluid intake of a nursing woman. Liquid is primarily water. It should be non-carbonated, clean, without additives. In addition to water, juices (vegetable, fruit, home-made), green tea, compotes are allowed. To improve the well-being and digestion of a child, a nursing mother can prepare tea for herself based on lemon verbena, lemon balm, fennel seeds and cumin. Accordingly, coffee and strong black tea, cola and drinks with dyes and preservatives are prohibited.

If everything is done correctly, that is, drink enough fluids, rest and get enough sleep if possible, eat healthy foods in a variety of ways, then the rate of milk during breastfeeding will be optimal for the growth and development of the child.

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