

Diseases of the teeth (dentistry)

Cones on the gums: what to do, how to treat?

A bump on the gum is an unpleasant symptom that can accompany many dental diseases. It should be noted right away that the "cone on the gum" is a rather abstract and simplistic concept.

What to do if the gum is swollen after tooth extraction, implantation, inflammation

It appears with inflammatory diseases of the gums, with traumatic lesions, with dental manipulations - and this is only a small list of conditions in which one of the first symptoms is swelling of the gum. 

Gum cancer: the first signs of the initial stage

Oncological diseases in the oral cavity are quite common and recently their growth has increased. External contaminants, quality of nutrition and many other reasons provoke weakening of our antitumor protection in the body.

Light tooth seal: the good, the difference from the usual

Modern dentistry is progressing at an incredible rate. Rapid development makes it increasingly possible to introduce new tools, medicines and filling materials into this sphere.

Gum recession: causes, symptoms, elimination without surgery, how to stop

The recession of the gum (apical displacement of the gingival margin) is a decrease in soft gingival tissue in the vertical direction, which leads to a gradual exposure of the tooth neck. According to statistics, this pathological process is more often observed in adulthood, but the tendency of its occurrence in children and young people is growing every year. 

Diseases in the mouth and lips in adults and children: as they are called

The mouth area is one of the most malleable and sensitive areas of the face. Since it is constantly exposed to mechanical, chemical and physical irritants, this provokes the development of local pathological processes. 

Why does the tooth ache under a temporary seal when pressing and what should I do?

Modern dentistry is today a rather advanced and effective branch of medicine. However, even the most reliable system sometimes fails. For example, after stamping a person may get a toothache.

Cuneoid defect of hard dental tissues: what to do, how to treat, restoration

Specific form of dental pathology - wedge-shaped defect of teeth, - refers to non-carious enamel damage. This defect occurs in the cervical part of the tooth in its visible region. The upper part of the "wedge" in all cases "looks" inside the dental cavity.

The seal from a tooth has dropped out: the reasons, treatment

Since filling is one of the final stages of treatment, one must take into account not only the quality of the sealing itself, but also the rationality of carrying out previous manipulations. This is necessary because many of the procedures performed directly affect the consistency and durability of the seal. 

Ulcers on the gums in the child and adult: white, red, purulent, trophic

For delicate and delicate gum tissues, the characteristic quality is a pronounced regenerative capacity. Therefore, the appearance of ulcers on their surface should be regarded as a reaction to a change in the state of the organism and the possible emergence of internal unhappiness.


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