

Diseases of the liver and biliary tract

Chronic hepatitis C

Chronic hepatitis C in most cases is a consequence of acute hepatitis. In comparison with other hepatitis viruses, the hepatitis C virus has rather strong chronogenic properties.

Chronic hepatitis B: treatment

Treatment of chronic viral hepatitis B is aimed at suppressing the contagiousness, destroying the virus, preventing the development of liver cirrhosis and, possibly, hepatocellular carcinoma. No method of treatment does not relieve the patient of the virus, nevertheless successful antiviral therapy allows to reduce the severity of the process and the necrosis of hepatocytes caused by it.

Chronic hepatitis B: diagnosis

To suspect the presence of hepatitis B virus in hepatocytes can be due to the presence of matte-vitreous hepatocytes in the study of drugs stained with hematoxylin and eosin or by the Van Gyzon method.

Chronic hepatitis B: symptoms

Chronic hepatitis B can be diagnosed in donors at the time of blood donation or routine blood screening based on the detection of HBsAg and a moderate increase in serum transaminase activity.

Chronic hepatitis B: stages of HBV infection

In the life of the hepatitis B virus, two periods are distinguished: the period of virus replication, accompanied by the activity of the inflammatory process in the liver, and the period of virus integration, in which the activity of inflammation subsides occurs the phase of remission of the disease (inactive phase). The marker of the replication phase is HBeAg.

Chronic hepatitis B

Chronic hepatitis is not always preceded by an identifiable acute form of hepatitis B. However, sometimes immediately after an acute episode, chronicization occurs. In other cases, despite a sudden onset, similar to an acute disease, chronic hepatitis already occurs.

Autoimmune hepatitis: diagnosis

Some types of autoimmune hepatitis do not have a clearly established cause, others are associated with known agents such as thienyl acid (diuretic) or with diseases such as hepatitis C and D. In general, in autoimmune hepatitis of unknown etiology, there is a more vivid clinical picture for him a higher activity of serum transaminases and a level of y-globulin is characteristic; histological changes in liver tissue indicate a higher activity than in cases with known etiology, and the response to corticosteroid therapy is better.

Autoimmune Hepatitis

Autoimmune hepatitis is a chronic hepatitis of unknown etiology, in the pathogenesis of which the leading role is played by autoimmune mechanisms. The disease is more common in women (ratio of men and women with autoimmune hepatitis 1: 3), the most commonly affected age is 10-30 years.

Chronic hepatitis D

Chronic hepatitis D is the outcome of acute viral hepatitis D, occurring as a superinfection in chronic carriers of HBV markers. The frequency of chronic HDV infection is 60-70%.

Chronic hepatitis: classification

In 1968 De Groot et al. In the journal Lancet published a classification of chronic hepatitis, which was approved by the European Association for the Study of the liver. The classification is based on the isolation of morphological variants of chronic hepatitis. The authors proposed to distinguish the following morphological variants of chronic hepatitis.


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