

Diseases of the heart and blood vessels (cardiology)

Aneurysm of the aorta of the abdominal cavity: causes, signs, diagnosis, stenting

Since the aorta is one of the main vital vessels, such changes in it can cost the patient not only health, but also life.

Cardiomegaly: what it is, signs how to treat

This pathology is not an independent disease, but develops against the background of other cardiac diseases. Cardiomegaly can be both congenital and acquired, so it occurs equally often at any age.

Hypoplasia of the intracranial v4 segment of the right vertebral artery: mr signs, consequences

Each of the cases of hypoplasia is characterized by underdevelopment of one or another organ. Not an exception and such a common disease as hypoplasia of the right vertebral artery. Pathology is due to the narrowing of the vascular lumen on the passage in the vertebral canal. 

First aid for an attack of acute myocardial infarction

Many people are familiar with such a dangerous condition as myocardial infarction. Someone hearsay, someone had to survive this disease, and others even had the luck to take part in saving someone's life, because it is the first aid for myocardial infarction that often predetermines the course of events.

Isolated systolic arterial hypertension: labile, stable

When the diagnosis is formulated as systolic hypertension, it means that the arterial pressure in the systole-heart contraction phase exceeds the physiological norm (and is at least 140 mmHg), and the diastolic pressure (when the heart muscle relaxes between contractions) is fixed at the level 90 mm Hg. Art.

Basilar artery thrombosis

In modern conditions, pathologies and diseases associated with the disruption of the normal functioning of the heart, blood vessels are increasingly observed. Various pathologies of the vascular bed are assigned the third place in the system of the general morbidity of man.

Obesity of the heart

This formulation suggests excessive accumulation of lipids in the heart muscle or an abnormal growth of fatty tissue under the epicardium, leading to dystrophic changes in muscle tissue. The disease develops in people who are obese

Myocardial akinesia

In the diagnosis of cardiac diseases, akinesia of the myocardium, that is, its immobility or the inability to contract certain areas of the muscle tissue of the heart, can be detected.

Aneurysm of the heart: how to recognize, treat with and without surgery

Aneurysm of the heart is a very dangerous pathology, consisting in the appearance on any of the cardiac walls or partitions of a weakened limited area of muscle tissue that is unable to resist the pressure of the blood and begins to swell outward or alternatively swell and fall alternately depending on the phase of the cardiac cycle.

Acute and chronic aneurysm of the heart: ventricle, septum, postinfarction, congenital

Some pathologies with a rather large percentage of deaths, such as heart aneurysm, can develop in both adults and newborns.


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