
Memory enhancing products

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Consider what products improve memory and what exactly it is necessary to regularly eat, to promote a higher degree of intellectual activity, improve attention and develop memory.

No matter how commonplace is the well-known common phrase that observing the right diet and maintaining a balanced healthy diet is the key to the normal functioning of the whole organism, this statement is still in full measure fair. After all, the lack of certain specific nutrients can lead to very adverse effects. So the sharpness of the mind can be dulled, the ability to concentrate attention and memory deteriorate. The use of heavy food in large quantities is fraught with the onset of states of lethargy and apathy, on the other hand, from the malnutrition may appear hungry spasms in the stomach.

It is very important to eat regularly throughout the day. In particular, breakfast should not be neglected, because, based on the results of the research, it can be argued that as a result of the morning meal for a while, there is an improvement in attention and activation of the memory processes

It is believed that caffeine is able to act as a catalyst for the activity of mental functions, increase the response and mobilize other mental processes, for example concentration of attention. Here, however, it should be noted that the effect of a cup of coffee, although it is that it helps to cheer up, gather and gives a rush of energy, but this action lasts a short time. And in case of an overabundance of caffeine, discomfort and discomfort may appear.

Sugar, or rather, contained in it, glucose, due to the fact that it has the property to be well absorbed by the body, becomes a source of energy stimulating the work of the brain. As a consequence, there is an increase in concentration of attention and activation of mental functions. But sugar should not be misused, since this can have a detrimental effect on both memory and the state of the whole organism.

A very useful product for thought processes is the fish. In fish dishes, there is a lot of protein, which leads the brain into a state of active functioning. Due to the fact that the fish contains omega-3 fatty acids, it is an excellent preventive against the development of dementia and the occurrence of strokes. Also, they are of great importance for enhancing memory, which is especially relevant with age.

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What products improve memory?

So, our consideration of what are the products that improve memory begin with broccoli and spinach. Vitamin K, contained in them in contributes to the improvement of man's intellectual abilities and enhances memory.

Further, walnut oil and fatty fish have the content of a number of acids necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system. The presence of a large amount of iodine in the fish contributes to the preservation of clarity of mind and good memory in the elderly.

Honey. One can not disagree with the statement that honey is a real liquid gold for the mind. In addition to having an excellent sedative effect on the nervous system, and has anti-inflammatory properties, it is also an excellent means of enhancing memory.

Due to the presence of vitamin E in nuts, they can reduce the intensity of processes leading to a weakened memory. Sunflower seeds, vegetables, especially green eggs, and whole grains such as cereals, wheat bran and wheat sprouts also have a similar effect.

The use for improving brain activity from eating tomatoes is that they are rich in lycopene, which has pronounced antioxidant properties and helps to purify the body of radicals that tend to develop dementia.

Rosemary is characterized by the fact that, because of the presence of carnosic acid in this fragrant herb, it stimulates the expansion of cerebral tissues, which contributes to better memorization of information.

A handful of pumpkin seeds is the equivalent of a daily norm of zinc for the human body, necessary to improve the processes of memory and thinking. In addition, pumpkin seeds are an excellent means to reduce fatigue.

Good blueberries are good stimulating properties for mental activity. They are also able to help with temporary memory loss.

A real natural storehouse of vitamin C, which helps to maintain the clarity and alertness of the mind, is a black currant.

The products that improve memory include also sage. It is recommended to use it to stimulate and improve the processes of fixing new information in memory.

Vitamins that improve memory

Talking about what vitamins that improve memory, first of all, it should be noted that the primary role in ensuring the optimization of normal brain activity is assigned to group B vitamins.

Vitamin B1, also known under its other name - thiamine, takes an active part in the development of cognitive processes, as well as the ability to memorize a large amount of information. The lack of vitamin B1 leads to the fact that in the body in an excessive amount of uric acid accumulates, and as a result, the functioning of the brain deteriorates. This vitamin is present in peas, buckwheat, meat, fish and eggs. Due to the fact that under the influence of high temperature during cooking thiamine breaks down, it is recommended to eat fruits and vegetables containing it in raw form.

Vitamin B3, called still nicotinic acid, improves memory and brain activity, and takes part in the production of energy in nerve cells. In large quantities, nicotinic acid is found in beans, in buckwheat, in yeast, in egg yolks, in green vegetables, in meat and in fish. This vitamin can survive even in the milk that was cooked.

Vitamin B5 - calcium pantothenate acts as a stimulator of long-term memory processes. It also participates in the transfer of impulses between neurons. In the body, vitamin B5 comes along with peas, buckwheat, caviar, cabbage, hazelnuts, eggs. After thermal treatment, its efficiency is reduced by almost half.

Vitamin B9, known as folic acid, plays a role in the speed of thought processes and the provision of quality memory of information. B9 is produced by the body itself. Rich in folic acid are apricots, bananas, legumes, mushrooms, cabbage, red meat, cereals, carrots, cheeses, pumpkin, dates.

Enumerating vitamins that improve memory, we note that another component that helps and strengthen memory, and improve attention is ascorbic acid, as vitamin C. It has antioxidant properties that prevent mental and physical overstrain. Ascorbic acid is rich in apricots, kiwi, cabbage, potatoes with peel, sea-buckthorn, tomatoes, strawberries, apples, black currant, Bulgarian pepper, spinach, mint.

Vitamin D or calciferol contributes to the systematic processing of memories of recent events and acquired information. Suppliers of the vitamin are egg yolk, parsley, butter, tuna.

Tocopherol acetate - vitamin E is responsible for the ability to perceive and remember information, it also helps to eliminate toxins, strengthen blood vessels and maintain normal brain function. A lot of this vitamin in legumes, in dairy products, oatmeal, liver, in seeds, eggs.

Which fruits improve memory?

Fruits, as is known, are mainly characterized by the content of a large number of vitamins, which are necessary for the human body. Because of this, their regular consumption of food is a positive factor for improving mental activity, memory processes and attention. So, what kind of fruit improves memory?

Vitamin C, in large quantities present in oranges, makes this fruit a wonderful tool to fill the body with vital energy, normalize blood pressure and optimize the blood supply to the brain. Orange also produces a beneficial effect on the functioning of the entire nervous system and, in particular, the brain. This in turn leads to the activation of mental activity, increasing concentration and better memorization of information.

Exotic fruit avocado is rich in vitamin content. It contains vitamins A, B, C, D, and by the amount of vitamin E this fruit significantly exceeds all other fruits. The benefit of it is that it reduces the likelihood of cardiovascular disease, and also improves memory due to the overall positive effect it produces on the nervous system and brain.

Pineapple since time immemorial is known as a delicious dessert, which has a wonderful taste and a refined specific aroma, but it has been revealed relatively recently that it has medicinal properties. Pineapple, when included in the diet on a regular basis, has the effect of reducing the viscosity of the blood, which is a preventive measure against thrombosis and thrombophlebitis. This tropical fruit helps to remove from the walls of blood vessels atherosclerotic plaques. This significantly reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Thanks to pineapple, the functioning of the entire cardiovascular system is normalized and, accordingly, the blood supply of the brain improves, which in turn is a favorable factor affecting the mechanisms of memory and the processes of attention.

The content of dopamine, which is a stimulant for activating the processes of thinking, memory and attention, is distinguished by dates.

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