
Pregnancy and Lifestyle

Lifestyle is the key factor that determines the state of human health. Therefore, when they talk about pregnancy and way of life, they mean that during pregnancy the child should observe the principles of healthy nutrition (full for all nutrients, vitamins and trace elements), adhere to the regime of work and rest, walk in the open air, make special Exercise, how to get enough sleep and not be nervous. In principle, all this is useful in any condition, but in the position of a future mother to lead a healthy lifestyle is especially important.

Diet with constipation during pregnancy

Diet with constipation during pregnancy is a rationally organized regimen aimed at providing the body with vitamins, as well as all the necessary microelements and nutrients.

Diet during pregnancy

Diet during pregnancy is an important condition for bearing a strong baby, as well as maintaining the health and stamina of a future mother.

Orgasm during pregnancy

Many women notice that orgasm during pregnancy is stronger and brighter, and a certain percentage of women experience such feelings for the first time in their lives.

Lifestyle of pregnant women at week 6

Most women are wondering if sex is possible in this condition, especially when the 6th week of pregnancy begins and the woman already knows exactly what she is.

Sex after pregnancy

Sex after pregnancy is recommended to be renewed no earlier than a month. The reproductive system of a woman in the postpartum period is most susceptible to infections.

Sex During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a normal natural process that allows a woman to lead a full life with small corrections and changes. If bearing takes place without pathologies, sex during pregnancy is permitted, and even useful.

Pregnancy and Heels

In itself, wearing heels can not be called safe even for an absolutely healthy woman or a girl who does not yet plan to conceive a child.

How to have sex during pregnancy?

In the first months you should prefer caresses that satisfy a man, but do not bring a woman to orgasm, so as not to burden the uterus with excessive blood loss and contractile activity. For the wife during this period oral sex can be shown, observing all rules of hygiene of the oral cavity.

How not to recover during pregnancy?

The answer to this question: "How not to recover during pregnancy?" interested in almost all future mothers. And this is not idle curiosity, but the desire to solve the problem that most women face during pregnancy.

Pregnancy and computer

Is the computer harmful for pregnant women? While there is no consensus among doctors and medical specialists on this score. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, for such a short period of time it is difficult to draw conclusions about the influence of the computer on pregnancy and to establish whether the computer harms the future mother and her baby or not.


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