
Physiological delivery

Physiological birth - this is the birth, in which the child is born in the proper time and in a natural way. That is, physiological births go through three stages (disclosure, expulsion and succession), and after the birth of the child, the placenta is separated and the birth of the afterbirth occurs.

To physiological birth was normal, the woman in labor should know what is happening at each stage, their average duration and, of course, what feelings, including painful ones, they accompany.

Management of normal delivery

In many obstetric hospitals partner birth

Medical anesthesia of normal delivery

When a woman in labor arrives in the maternity department and the phenomena of feelings of fear, anxiety, uncertainty, mental stress or emotional excitement, tranquilizers - trioxazine in a dose of 300-600 mg orally, or diazepam in a dose of 5-10 mg, or phenazepam 0.0005 g in combination with spasmolithine, which also has a sedative and spasmolytic effect.

Programmed childbirth

In recent years, interest in programmed birth has increased again. In a number of cases, the artificial delivery is performed on time without medical indications, when the fetus has reached full maturity, and there are no signs of spontaneous delivery. Such preventive labor excitement in normal pregnancy is called programmed delivery.

Preterm termination of pregnancy

In modern obstetrics, an important place is given to artificial rhizopoiesis. It is believed that the proportion of provoked births should not exceed 10%.

Mechanism of childbirth

There are four moments of the mechanism of birth. The first moment is the bending of the head; the second is the internal rotation of the head; the third is the extension of the head (the region of the suboccipital fossa is the fixation point - hypomochlion); the fourth is the inner turn of the trunk and the outer turn of the head.

Cardiotocography, auscultation of cardiac activity, staining of amniotic fluid

In the process of normal delivery in the fetal physiological state a gradual increase in the frequency of meconium in the amniotic fluid occurs, but there are no significant differences between the groups.

The state of the acid-base state of fetal blood at physiological birth

The data of the literature testify to the undoubted dependence between the state of the newborn and the parameters of the acid-base state of its blood, therefore, when determining the fetal condition during childbirth, the results of the analysis of blood taken from the skin of its head are crucial, and the acidosis can be recognized at any stage of childbirth .

PH of amniotic fluid at physiological birth

Studies of the pH of amniotic fluid were conducted in 160 maternity wards during the normal course of the birth act. The duration of labor in primiparous animals was 12 h 42 min + 31.7 min, in repetitious 6 h 05 min ± 4.85 min.

Prognosis of labor with internal hysterography

The method of two-channel internal hysterography allows prediction of labor for the whole process of birth. In this case, it is sufficient to record intrauterine pressure in 2 channels within 30-60 minutes from the onset of labor, and then compare the recordings of intrauterine pressure in the region of the bottom and the lower segment of the uterus

Characteristics of physiological delivery

Childbirth is a complex physiological process, during which the contents of the uterus (fetus, amniotic fluid, placenta and membranes) are expelled.


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