
Nutrition of the newborn

Contraindications to breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is contraindicated in cases of such diseases of the mother: oncological diseases; an open form of tuberculosis with bacilli; especially dangerous infections (smallpox, anthrax).

Breast milk is the ideal meal for a newborn

The full cycle of lactation includes: mammogenesis (advanced glands), lactogenesis (the emergence of milk secretion after childbirth) and lactopoiesis (development and support of milk production and allocation).

Mixed feeding of a child

Artificial and mixed feeding can and should be implemented only according to vital indications, that is, with the conviction of health workers, preferably their consultation, in the mother's inability to adequately lactate and the high risk of chronic child starvation.

Feeding children from 4 months

Feeding children from 4 months - this is a burning issue, which is actively interested in the mothers of toddlers who have reached four months of age. It is during this period that the child requires additional substances, trace elements, which are not found in breast milk.

Lure baby

According to WHO recommendations, the child should only breast-feed with breastfeeding for about 6 months, followed by the introduction of lures. Other organizations advise to introduce lures between 4 and 6 months of life, continuing at this time breastfeeding or a mixture. Up to 4 months the child does not need a lure, and the reflex of pushing out, in which the tongue pushes everything that is put out of the mouth, makes it very difficult to feed the child.

Feeding a newborn baby

If the birth was uncomplicated and the newborn is active and healthy, it can be immediately applied to the breast. As soon as possible, applying the newborn to the breast promotes the further success of breastfeeding.

What if the baby does not tolerate lactose?

As well as the main thing - how to feed a child with lactose intolerance? Children with lactose intolerance are not able to digest this substance, the sugar contained in cow's milk.

How to wean a child from night feeding?

How to wean a child from night feeding? This is an important question, which sooner or later, almost all mothers ask themselves. Most children sleep well at night about 8-9 months after their birth. At this time, the baby at night can safely withstand a break of about 7-8 hours. He used to wake up to eat.

How to feed a child in 9-12 months?

Starting from the tenth month, you can gradually take the baby from the chest. It should be remembered that this is a very serious event for both the mother and the child.

Than to feed the child in 7-9 months?

In seven-eight months, a third complementary food is introduced, based on sour-milk products. They are made from cow milk, fermented with pure cultures of lactic acid bacteria or fungal leaven, and are digested much better than whole milk.


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